It all started with a slushie (BeMoreChill Michael Mell x reader)

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Word count: 9078 (I'm sorry)

Warnings: Frequent cursing, along with mentions of sex... Basically, just high schoolers being high schoolers...

Requested: No, but based on a dream I had

The bell had finally just rang to signal the end of my 6th-period class, and my day was AWFUL!!! I had taken 3 tests and written 4 in-class essays that day and I was brain dead. I was pretty sure I had failed practically all of them but I guess that's what I get for taking 4 AP classes. I guess it was just one of those days where I seriously needed a pick me up, but seeing as though I was only a junior and couldn't drink alcohol (at least not with my parents' knowledge), I went and got the next best thing, a (favorite flavor slushie) from the 7/11 five minutes away from my school. I walked in and the girl behind the counter smiled at me immediately recognizing me from my frequent slushie visits, and from last year's school production of Romeo and Juliet.

"What size am I charging you for today," Winnie asked with a low laugh. I chuckled back making my way to the slushie machine. Winnie was a senior at my school and was working at 7/11 to save up for college. I knew her fairly well because we were both in the school's production of Romeo and Juliet last year, and we became fast friends. We are still in the school's theater program together this year as well.

"Ring me up for an extra-large" I replied with a loud and obvious sigh.

"Ooh, rough day?" Winnie asked with a sharp inhale, and a smile peeking through the corner of her lips.

"Yep" I replied popping the P, much to Winnie's amusement. I was about to add onto my response and rant when Winnie turned her attention to the ringing of the opening door.

"Hey Winnie" I heard a boy say tiredly.

"Hey Michael, rough day?" Winnie asked with a laugh

"Yep" The boy, Michael, said popping the p the same way I did. I laughed before stifling it as I realized my slushie cup was overflowing all over my hand.

"SHIT," I said loudly as Michael turned the corner coming towards the slushie machine. I started to scramble to clean up my mess. Out of the corner of my eye I saw the boy Winnie spoke to earlier rush towards me to help.

"Jesus! you never used a slushie machine before?" He teased grabbing some napkins as I held the overflowed slushie cup still. I laughed as he wiped the slush off my hands and grabbed me a lid. He put it on my cup and I looked up at him to thank him before my eyes widened and I spaced out staring at his face, because my god he was attractive, he also looked really familiar. I probably stared at him for around a minute while he filled up his own slushie cup. I watched his mouth move and assumed he was talking.

"Oh, I'm so sorry what'd you say? I just uh, space out sometimes" I laughed nervously stumbling through my sentence and reaching up to nervously fiddle with my hair. He chuckled and looked up at me to repeat his sentence before stopping and looking at me with wide eyes and most likely the same expression I had on my face when I was staring at him. He opened and closed his mouth with no words coming out before his face flamed a bright red and he let out a strangled squeaky gasp.

"Oh it was nothing, not important, uh I gotta go" He said hurriedly his voice 3 octaves higher than originally before clutching his slushie, spinning around and speed walking down another aisle. I watched him walk away down another aisle before I grabbed my cup and basically sprinted to Winnie at the checkout.

"Jesus (y/n) I could practically hear you swooning" She teased, with a sly smile.

"He's so handsome I could faint!" I gushed, before stopping myself, "but I won't faint!" I announced proudly looking over my shoulder to make sure Michael wasn't nearby.

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