Happy Accident (Steve Harrington x reader)

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A/n: this was supposed to be way longer than it actually was, so I cut off half of it and am just going to make a part 2 for this. If y'all want a part 2 that is. Anyway, I hope you enjoy and as usual, all comments, votes, and follows are welcome and appreciated. Happy reading! 

Word count: 4267

I yawned opening my eyes slowly as my dog whined into my ear pawing at my arm softly. "what, what I'm up I'm up" I told her giving her a pat on the head, to which she responded with enthusiastic tail wagging and a happy spin. I sat up on the couch where I had apparently fallen asleep, my gaze shifted from my dog to the tv where the ending scene for Grease was playing. I looked back at my German Sheppard who had sat herself next to my feet and was gazing up at me. "What? What do you want? Huh, baby?" I asked her taking her head into my hands, "you want some food?" I watched her ears perk up at the question and smiled, "and then what about a nice long walk?" She gave a bark at that and I looked at the clock, only 1 pm I could spare time for a long walk. Getting up off the couch I hit rewind to rewind the tape in the player and headed off to the kitchen to get my dog some food. She followed happily and barely let me move out the way of her bowl before diving into her food. I laughed returning to the living room and taking the VHS out of the player and putting it back in the case. Wandering off to my room I changed into some more comfortable walking clothes while waiting for (d/n) to finish eating. Her excited yips coming up the stairs alerted me she was done and she wanted her walk now. Putting my shoes on, I watched as (d/n) pushed my bedroom door open with her nose. "Okay okay, I'm coming!" I  grabbed my walkman and my favorite tape and ushered her out of my room. "c'mon girl let's go" I patted my thigh and she came bounding towards me. I quickly grabbed her leash and hooked her up before locking the front door behind me. "all right (d/n) where to?" Her only response was taking off down the street insistently pulling me along behind her. I gave a gentle tug on her leash to signal she knows she's not supposed to pull and waved to my neighbor. 

"Hi Mrs. Turnpike" I yelled to the elderly lady knitting on her porch, she looked up from her knitting and smiled at me. 

"Oh hello Niya dear, how are you?" She asked loudly with a smile. 

"I'm good just taking (d/n) out for a walk, how about yourself?" I asked politely, stopping to face her. 

"oh you know how it is, suns out but I'm still old" She shrugged and I laughed, "you have a good walk dearie, be careful!" She warned

"I will, Mrs. Turnpike, see you later" I replied as (d/n) started pulling me again. Down the road and towards the school before she completely turned around and headed towards the woods. I put my headphones on and hit play on my tape music filling my ears as I followed after (d/n). I hummed along to the song playing as (d/n) turned off the main road and onto a side road in the direction of the deeper woods. I didn't mind walking through these parts since it was still pretty light outside. We walked down the side road for a while before (d/n) got spooked and bolted pulling the leash out of my hand and running into the trees. I yelled her name to get her to come back and turned around to see what had scared her but was met with a loud screech of tires, a thump, and pain flaring in my body before I descended into darkness. 

When I finally came to I heard a panicked voice trying to coax me awake. 

"shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, hey wake up, please wake up, please don't be dead, Jesus Christ, I'm so sorry, please don't be dead" It was the voice of a man speaking frantically and much too quick for my groggy brain. "hey open your eyes, please open your eyes," the man said and I obliged. My eyelids felt heavy and I was suddenly aware of how bad my body hurt. "oh thank god, that's it eyes open c'mon" he kept talking and the world came into focus. I tried to sit up but pain exploded along my torso and I groaned. 

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