The Rooftop part 2 (peter parker x reader)

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A/N: Hey guys this is part 2 to the rooftop, honestly I like this but then again I don't like it, so like leave some comments about whether you liked this or not... I think it's complete but if you want a third part to this I think I could make that happen. Hehe, well like comment, and vote on this if you liked it. I might be updating more regularly cause of this quarantine we're in but yeah.. oh and if you want share some Coronavirus quarantine stories with me in the comments and I'll share some of mine lol! So yeah hope you enjoy this part 2!

Word count: 1812 words

_______NEXT DAY___________
I woke up to my alarm blaring loudly in my ear, and my dad kicking my mattress to wake me up. "I'm up I'm up" I mumbled sleepily, as my dad opened my curtains, and left my room. I sat up rubbing my eyes and walked to turn off my alarm clock, yawning I went to the closet to pick out something to wear. I eventually chose a black sweatshirt with (favorite tv/movie character) on it, and some jeans along with my black old skool converse. I went downstairs and sighed as I read the note from my mom on the counter telling me there was an emergency at work and I had to walk to school today. I walked into the kitchen and made myself a bowl of cereal. I yawned, I spent the entire previous night studying for my chemistry test with New York's Favorites spider and I was ready to get an A on my chem test. I eat my cereal silently before putting my empty bowl in the sink and grabbing my backpack. "Dad I'm heading off to school" I yelled loudly.

"Alright honey good luck on your test" he yelled back.

"Bye dad!" I said walking out the door hooking my fingers through my backpack straps. I walked down the hall of my apartment building taking the elevator all the way down. Walking out the front door of the building I looked to my right and left before turning right and heading towards the subway station. I went down into the subway station and took the train to school on the bus I saw one of my best friends, Peter Parker. I made my way through the people on the subway station towards him there were no seats nearby but I still said hello. He stood up offering me his seat which I gratefully accepted.

"Wow peter who knew you were such a gentleman" I remarked sitting down in the seat he previously occupied.

"Why thank you m'lady" he said with a mock bow, taking my hand and kissing it jokingly. I laughed loudly, trying to hide the sound of my heart beating loudly in my chest. As I internally swooned.

"And they say chivalry is dead" I said with a giggle.

"Well here I am chivalrous as always" he responded with a laugh as our train pulled into the station stopping slowly. Peter and I left the train station together and continue the walk to our school, midtown high school of science and technology. We parted ways and moved to separate hallways. I went to find my locker and then head to my chemistry class. I sat down in my seat next to my friend MJ.

"You look like hell" I laughed as I sat down next to her.

"Gee thanks, I just got back" She mumbled putting her head on the desk, as I laughed again.

"ready for our test?" I asked her

"Always am" She replied with a cocky smile.

"Okay, okay, I get it you're a chemistry genius," I mumbled quietly as our teacher told us to log on to our computers to take our tests. The class sat in silence as we all took our test, thank god Spiderman just happened to be swinging by last night to help me with my chemistry. Otherwise I would be crying my way through this test. I finished my test five minutes before the bell rang and waited for the computer to grade my score. I silently cheered as I read the number 95% on my computer screen. I put my computer away in my backpack and rested my head on the desk for the rest of class.

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