Dancing (preserum steve x reader)

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'A/n: Hello my lovelies, so this oneshot was the first one I wrote for my marvel oneshot book, which is why this one is probably much worse than the UA ones you (may or may not have read), I am planning on editing this one and updating it to better suit my now writing style but in the mean time I feel like its okay enough to publish for y'all. So yeah when reading do keep in mind that this was written YEARS AND YEARS ago and I've improved my writing since then. 

This is a one-shot with pre-serum Steve Enjoy!! (b/f/n) = best friend name

Word count: 2,815

"I hate dancing, let me just put that out there" I said to my best friend (b/f/n) as she picked out a dress for my "date" tonight, she was going on a date with the infamous lady killer James Barnes, or Bucky as his friends called him. I was supposed to be her double date with Bucky's mystery best friend. I don't even know his name and I'm supposed to be going on a date with him.

"Oh hush! You'll be fine" She said holding up a red dress with white polka dots, nodding her head satisfied, she put it on my bed, I cringed at the dress, she went back into my closet and rummaged around for some shoes, she came back out happily holding some black heels, around I'd say 1 or 2 inches high, perfect for dancing. She put them next to the dress and clapped and giggled excitedly. while I sat on the bed groaning. "Shush!" She exclaimed as she wandered off to get her own outfit on. "get dressed! And hurry up cause I want to do your makeup before we leave" She yelled from another room. As I groaned again, Sluggishly I put the dress over my head and pulled it down till it was on properly, pulling on some skin tan stockings I pulled them up to my waist and slipped my feet into the black shoes. Looking in my mirror I twirled around and watched my dress spiral around me. I actually looked pretty nice.

"Hmm, maybe this won't be so bad after all," I said to myself admiring myself in the mirror. When (b/f/n) poked her head into my room

"wow! you look great!" She squealed happily, walking in and grabbing my hand and dragging me to the bathroom. She did my hair in big (h/c) curls, that rested on my shoulders, before turning me around and doing my makeup, she put on some bright red lipstick, and some blush, she sprayed some perfume on me, and then got herself ready quickly. When she was done she looked at the clock and seeing we were late we ran to get our sweaters and handbags. Running outside, we saw bucky and his best friend in a car waiting. We climbed in the backseat while Bucky drove us to where we were going dancing. Once we arrived Bucky parked and we all got out the car, Bucky opened the door for (b/f/n), and she smiled and got out, I opened the door for myself, and watched as bucky offered (b/f/n) his arm, she shyly took it and he led her inside. sighing I turned towards Bucky's best friend and looked him up and down. He was short, with dirty blonde hair, he was very skinny, and looked kind of shy but not at the same time. He was actually quite cute, he had brilliant blue eyes, it was like the sky and the ocean had a baby, that was the color of his eyes.
Smiling as I held my hand out for him to shake I introduced myself, "I'm (y/n) by the way"
He looked at me and smiled before shaking my hand "Steve, Steve Rogers" he replied.
Returning my hand to my side, I gestured towards the building that Bucky and (b/f/n) had entered "we, should probably follow them" I said unenthusiastically he nodded in agreement and we walked to the building in awkward silence. We entered the building and were met with loud chattering, and music, grimacing I followed Steve over to the table, where Bucky and (b/f/n) were sitting together, sharing a strawberry milkshake. Sliding onto the cushioned seat opposite them. Soon after they finished their milkshake Bucky took (b/f/n) out onto the dance floor, they started dancing to an upbeat jive song, that I liked, tapping my foot, and humming the melody I watched everyone dancing. I saw Steve stand up from the corner of my eye and turn towards me.

"would you uh, like to um dance?" He asked smiling slightly as he rubbed the back of his neck nervously. Smiling at his nervousness I nodded.

"sure," I said taking my bag off my shoulder and setting it down on my seat, I stood up and took the hand he offered to me after I stood up. He led me to the dance floor and we saw Bucky and (b/f/n) on the other side of the floor, we stayed where we were instead of making our way to that side of the dance floor so we wouldn't have to push through the big crowd of people. We awkwardly started dancing, not as well as the people around us, but it was still fun, Steve kept telling me jokes making me laugh and giggle throughout the numerous songs we danced to. Occasionally he would try and spin me around, but fail miserably since I was a lot taller than him in my heels. Eventually, my feet got tired so Steve and I went to sit back down at the table. I grabbed my bag and told Steve I was just gonna go to the bathroom to freshen up really quick, and that I would be right back. He nodded and stayed seated at the table, as I hurried to the bathroom. In the bathroom, I re-did the makeup that had started to run when I was dancing, and freshened up my appearance. I sprayed some perfume on, and being content with my appearance, left the bathroom to go back to Steve. I headed back to the table and saw he wasn't there, furrowing my eyebrows in confusion I looked towards the bar, seeing he wasn't there either, my eyes wandered over the crowd on the dance floor but he wasn't there either.

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