Welcoming Committee (Ben x reader)

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A/n: So umm yeah welcome to my first one shot for this book, it's about our little smol bean Ben, and yeah I guess there is some fluff, but like not a lot, It deals with the reader dying so like don't read if you get triggered, or don't like death... Um yeah this is TrAsH but whatever I'll post it just for the sake of posting it, hope you enjoy it, and feel free to comment anything, I'll most likely respond to it cause I have no life sooo... yeah um bye... next one-shot will be up soon. That gif has nothing to do with the story, I just like it, cause he's a sassy smol bean. 

Edit: No edit just made the AN in bold

Words: 2055

So there I was, laying down on the hospital bed, my breathing ragged, with my mother sitting gripping my hand as if her life depended on it. When in reality it was mine, that depended on it. She was crying, sobbing, as she held my hand between hers with her head bowed as if she was praying. My dad stood behind her glints of teardrops in his eye, but none fell, cause my father never cried, at least not when I was watching, he would let his tears fall once my eyes were closed for the final time, and I was no longer watching him. They would close for the last time, it was inevitable, my fate was sealed in stone. I was doomed to die here in this hospital bed. And I've accepted it, but that's not to say I liked it, I hated it I was too young I was supposed to live a long and happy life, I was supposed to go to college and get married and have kids. But life doesn't always happen the way it's supposed' to, things happen, you get sick and you go to the hospital, and they can't save you. And then you die, that was the next step, and I could feel it was going to be completed very soon. I could feel my heart slowing down, and how it got harder to breathe, I could vaguely hear the heart monitor beside my bed pause for longer and longer between each beep. My mother heard to and this brought on another round of sobs from her, these ones much louder, than the ones before. She gripped my hand tighter, and I turned my head towards her, I squeezed her hand weakly, and smiled slightly. 

"I-I l-love-ve y-yo-ou" I whispered my voice raspy.

"I l-love y-you m-more," My mom said stuttering as she smiled at me. 

I sighed contently and closed my eyes, perfect timing... I could still hear everything going on around me, I heard the machine flat line, and my mothers choked sobs as my arm went limp as she grasped it. I heard the doctors and nurses running in to try and save me but their attempts were futile. I wouldn't be waking up anytime soon. I heard one of the doctors shouting clear as they tried to restart my heart. I felt the jolts of electricity but I didn't at the same time. I was aware of everything and nothing at the same time. I heard the doctors apologizing to my mom saying that they couldn't save me. I heard her sobbing louder. But these sounds were distant, and far off, and were fading by the minute. 

"Hey, wake up" I heard someone say gently, and I was confused. It was a new voice, one that was unfamiliar to my ears. The weird thing was that this voice sounded closer than all the other voices. "c' mon you just gotta open your eyes" The voice said softly, coaxing me to obey. So I did, I struggled at first but eventually opened my eyes. I blinked a few times to clear my blurry vision and the room cleared. I was still in my hospital room, and my parents were still by my bedside, nothing had changed, my mom was still clutching my hand tightly. And now as I looked towards my father, I finally saw the tears streaming down his cheeks. He was crying. The heart monitor still connected to my arm was a continuous green line on the screen.

 "I'm over here" The unfamiliar voice brought me out of my trance and I turned my head towards the direction of the voice. I saw a boy, leaning up against the wall of my hospital room. He had a hood on hiding his face, but I could see just enough of it to tell he was a boy. He straightened up off the wall and walked towards me. I watched him approach me, and surprisingly I wasn't afraid, at least not of him. He stood next to me, and I could see his face fully for the first time. He had a kind face, eyes that looked as if they were smiling even though they had no mouth to smile with, they sparkled with mischief, wit, and humour. But when you looked deeper sorrow, and pain. His face was one that could be easily trusted, and one of a person who was shy, but well-liked by everyone he wished to talk to. He offered his hand to me, I looked at it and reached out to take it. He smiled at me, but the smile didn't reach his eyes, and instead seemed to dull the twinkle I saw in them earlier. I gripped his hand tighter as he helped me sit up. This wasn't unusual, sitting up is a normal thing all people do, except this was unusual because I was sitting up, but my body was laying down. My body was still laying down on the bed with my parents crying over it. 

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