Sunshine (Ben x reader)

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An: Oh wow, what a surprise another one-shot for my fave, Benny Boo... Lol jk, it's not really a surprise I've written like a million for Ben just cause I have like major feels for Ben and like its super easy to write for him. Ummm so like I legitimately hate myself for writing this, cause it's so sad, and angsty but like hmm ya'll gotta deal with it, cause I have to write this so you've gotta read this. Anyway literally crying as I'm writing this cause I'm such a sensitive person and everything. But on the bright side, if you end up crying at the end, you have this wonderful Ben gif which I found to be really hot and stuff so yeah, be happy? Anyway, hope you enjoy this because I poured my heart and soul into this one-shot to ensure it's not trash. (it is still kinda trash) but yeah as always request some one-shots or preferences or imagines or anything and I'll see what I can do. Umm yeah so hope you enjoy and comment your opinion cause I would love some feedback. Also may to a part two to this so tell me if that is something you guys would want.

Requested: NoPe hehe, just wanted to make you guys cry.

Warnings: High angst, deals with death, and some cursing.

Edit: Ok so I was thinking about this one-shot and decided to add more information about you (the reader)'s powers. SO for this one, I've written you to have like the ability to manipulate energy (specifically telekinetic energy), but I describe it terribly, In my mind, I'm thinking like Scarlet Witch, how she can move stuff with her mind, but also shoot glowy balls from her hands that go pew pew and knock out enemies and stuff. So yeah If ya'll have watched the Marvel movies, I'm going for Scarlet witch powers. And If you haven't watched the Marvel movies then stop reading and go watch you uncultured swine, but also here are some gifs of Scarlet witch to give you a better idea of what I mean.

Her fighting technique:

Her fighting technique:

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Multifandom x reader one-shots [REQUESTS ARE CLOSED]Where stories live. Discover now