Both a little broken (DEH Connor murphy x reader)

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Warnings: mentions of reader having panic attacks, and anxiety, I explained them in this one shot how I personally have panic attacks, and anxiety. So like I am a social butterfly but in certain scenarios and situations I'll get panic attacks, so please no mean comments about how this isn't how anxiety works or anything cause this is how it works for me personally. Okay thank you and happy reading!

Edit: I'm just now realizing that I changed the backstory  of when Connor threw the printer but we're  just gonna ignore that okay, cool thanks. 

Word count: 4141 (excluding authors notes)

I smiled, the music playing from the one earbud I had in my ear drowning out most sounds and thoughts. I didn't dare close my eyes though because if Mr. Wright caught me listening to music one more time in his class he wouldn't be very happy. I was in math, one of the classes I struggled with understanding. I always had, my mind didn't solve the problems as quickly as other people did oftentimes causing me to be caught off guard whenever my teachers asked me for an answer. And when I didn't know an answer the teachers asked me I froze and started panicking, I've had this issue ever since I was a kid except as a kid I would start crying as well. My doctor calls them panic attacks *Jazz hands*, my teachers however were too dumb to understand this and called on me whenever I didn't have my hand raised. So basically in short I panicked a lot. Along with panicking when my teachers asked me questions I always zoned out, my mind (and sometimes eyes depending on the class) usually wandering to the person who I had a crush on since second grade when he threw a printer at the teacher, Connor Murphy, my only friend. Most of the kids don't remember exactly why he threw the printer, they only remembered that he threw it. I on the other hand remember exactly why he threw it, he threw it for me and saying he threw it was an exaggeration that the others had said over the course of time. Connor was like me, he had issues, except he had anger issues, and his anger showed itself at the most curious of times.

--Flashback-- (insert it's rewind time meme here)

It was a Monday, and I was wearing a pretty floral dress, my favorite dress to be exact. That morning we were practicing multiplication. Which was one of the things I was currently horrible at, I just didn't understand it well. My momma was getting me extra help from a tutor though so I was getting better. But I still wasn't good enough to answer questions on the fly. Today however happened to be my unlucky day because the teacher pulled my popsicle stick from the jar to answer the question. She called my name and I froze up. She motioned for me to come up to the board and work the problem out. I shook my head no as I looked at the problem on the board. The teacher gave me a stern look and I slowly got up out of my seat, I walked up to the whiteboard and took the marker from her with shaky hands, she smiled and returned to her seat at her desk. I looked at the problem and tried to force my brain to think and remember how my tutor explained it to me, but my mind was so focused on the fact everyone was watching me I couldn't remember how I was taught. And that's when it started, I started breathing quickly but quietly, I turned to my teacher trying to get the words out to tell her I couldn't solve it.

"I c-can't do i-it" I stuttered trying to keep my breathing in check,

"Of course you can" She replied and I started to fiddle with my fingers to stop them from shaking so much.

"N-no I c-can't, I don't rem-remember ho-how" I started breathing heavier, tears forming in the corner of my eyes while I tried to explain to her I genuinely couldn't do it. I gleaned across the classroom and my eyes landed on Connor Murphy who had his hands clenched tightly on the table, and an angry expression on his face, he suddenly pushed his chair back and stood up.

"She obviously doesn't know the answer call on someone else and let her sit down," He said loudly at the teacher, his voice angry.

"Well, she should know we've been practicing this for 2 weeks now," My teacher said impatiently, "try again, quickly now" She huffed as I turned back to the board and stared at the numbers on the whiteboard. My breathing turned into quiet wheezes as my throat dried and felt like it was closing up, the tears that had built up finally falling, and my shoulders shook as I quietly cried.

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