Prologue: The Battle of Hogwarts

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*Ginny's POV*

Me, Hermione and Luna were Dueling Bellatrix; how could someone have this much fun in a life or death situation with a big smile on her face she dogged curses, hexes and chunks of castle that have been falling due to the shock waves of cruses and other spells hitting the castle wall. I cant believe Harry is dead, my world is upside down, Fred, Tonks, Remus and now the love of my life, who I have loved since my mum told me the bedtime stories of The Boy Who Lived. Even if we do win and Voldemort is Killed how can I go on without him?

Suddenly I heard someone Yell "GINNY LOOKOUT!" I come back to my senses just in time to see a green Curse nearly hit me; I smell burnt hair as it singes my hair. Before I could Retaliate I felt a hand on my shoulder and was thrown backward.  I looked up to see who had done this and hear "NOT MY DAUGHTER YOU BITCH!". It was my Mum she had a rage in her eye that I have never seen before and would rather never see again; she threw hexes and spells and curses at Bellatrix, suddenly she didn't look like she was having much fun the smile that was once on her face had gone replaced by fear. She stumbled on and rock behind her as she was backing up giving mum an opening, and she took it, sending a curse at Bellatrix that seem to turn her to brittle glass unable to move, mum then relaxed only to send another spell that looked like either Depalso or Flipendo causing the glass Bellatrix to fall to dust.

Suddenly I hear a great yell, I turn just as Professor McGonagall, Kingsley, and Slughorn get thrown back away from Voldemort as he yells as if in distress. I see his evil snake-like red eyes snap on to my mum and sends a curse at her, before I can think I hear a familiar voice shout, and a shield charm races in front of my mum and block the curse. I as well as everyone else in the hall look around to see where the spell came from. Suddenly out of nowhere Harry stands in the center of the great hall.

I can't believe what I'm seeing; Harry, My Harry, My sweet, loving, brave, and handsome Harry Potter, The Boy Who Lived, Lives Again. "HARRY!" I screamed. He starts walking towards Voldemort and I think to my self please, please be OK. Please survive this, I don't wanna live without you Harry. Harry and Voldemort start to circle each other. Voldemort with a mixture of shock and fury on his face watches Harry closely. Suddenly the voice of Harry breaks the silence. "I don't want anyone else to try to help," he says. I make to walk up to him to help but was stopped by Percy, my older brother "you heard what Harry said, besides I can't lose you too along with Fred". Tears start to pool in my eyes but I brush them away and stand with my brother.

Words are traded between Harry and Voldemort during this time we learn what transpired over the year that Harry, my brother Ron and my best Friend Hermione were gone they were hunting things called Horcruxes; Whatever they were hearing they were all gone seemed to shock Voldemort. We all learned what happened in the Forbidden Forest we learned that Harry willingly walked into the forest and allowed Voldemort to kill him and he still came back. Why would he do such a thing; why would he leave me here alone, doesn't he love me? I ask myself. Then I hear Harry say, "You won't be killing anyone else tonight", I look and see Harry's emerald green eyes that I loved so much staring back at Voldemort's red Slits circling each other. Harry continues talking, "you won't be able to kill any of them ever again". what makes Harry so sure does he know something we don't. "Don't you get it", Harry says, "I was ready to die to stop you from hurting these people". "But you didn't", Cuts Voldemort but harry cuts back. "I meant to, and that's what did it. I have done what my mother did. They're protected from you." What did Harry mean "we are protected from him?" "He did what his mother did"? then is snapped, he was willing to die for us, Giving his life to protect us; like his mom, and that's why nothing Voldemort dose is sticking, he was not able to hurt Neville and his silencing charm would not keep us silent his magic is worthless ageist us. Harry used the most powerful magic he possesses and Voldemort can't even begin to understand... Love. His love was so strong that it was able to spread to all of us offering, its protection.

More words were said between the two foes, it was not until I heard "Elder Wand" did I really pay attention, until now I thought the elder wand was just a myth from a child's storybook, but if the stories are true and Voldemort has the wand Harry does not stand a chance. Harry continues talking, after some time it is revealed that Draco is the master of the wand, not Voldemort, "and after I have killed you I can deal with Draco" said Voldemort with malice. "You've missed your chance I got there fist I overpowered Draco weeks ago. I took this wand from him" said Harry. I look at Harry's hand, sure enough, that was not Harry's wand but it is Draco's, and if that is true that means... I gasp, Harry is the Master of the elder wand and meaning even if Voldemort did use it on Harry it would not work right because it can not cause harm to its master. Suddenly there was a loud explosion I look back up, tears in my eyes, and see Harry and Voldemort with streams of light coming out of there wands Harry's Red and Voldemorts Green I can hardly watch due to the blinding light. All of a sudden the green stream seemed to contract, allowing Harry's red stream to strike Voldemort the elder wand flies threw the air to its rightful master, and all is quiet I look back up now that the blinding light is gone I see Voldemort standing with a shocked look on his face, then he falls to the ground Dead.

An unnerving second went by of shock and silence, then the whole Great Hall seem to Explode into cheers, people running to harry and enveloping him in a hug. I was one of the 1st there, after Ron and Hermione. Then it was Neville, Luna, Hagrid, and the rest of my family. Then it seemed the entire wizarding world collapsed on us yelling, shouting, and crying, all trying to touch The Boy Who lived; The reason why it was all over at last. When I finally get around to the front of him I grab his head and kiss him, He kisses me back and we stay like that for seconds, minutes, hours, days who knows how long, all I know was I loved this man and I was never going to let him out off my sight again. we pull apart and he tells me I should go be with my family I ask if he is going to come he says yes, he followed me over to my family standing next to Fred's body. After awhile harry said he needs to go see Tonks and Lupin I give him a peck on the cheek, smile and watch as he walks towards their bodies.

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