Chapter 14: The Day Off

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The next day Harry had agreed to accompany Kreacher to fetch his daughter from the family she was staying with. Harry woke up that morning and felt a rush of happiness when he saw Chocolate Brown eyes staring at him.

                                                                                    Harrys P.O.V

"Morning love," I say as I wipe the sleep from my eyes. "Morning handsome" she greets back. We get up and get dressed but I cant help my eyes wondering over to Ginny who is wearing nothing but her Knickers. "My eyes are up here lover boy" she teases. And I look away my face heating up and take my pajama shirt off and my pants to slip some clean cloths on. On the corner of my eye I see Ginny also start staring at me. I smile to my self and wonder what she is thinking. I desided to use Legilimency to see what she was thinking.

*inside Ginny's Mind*

WOW!!! He has such a good body, I just want to jump him right here right now. his abs are amazing and as much as I hate to admit it his scar on his chest makes him even hotter. Oh man I fell my self getting bothered just by looking at this man. How did I get so lucky? 

*Back to Harrys own mind*

My vision go black before I exit her mind and see the room from my P.O.V again. "So thats what your thinking when you look at me practically naked" I Say. Ginny snaps out of her own thoughts which I now know all to well and my smile and look at her still only in my boxers. "wh- what do you mean Harry?" She looks at me confused and a little red, "oh nothing love I'm just happy you think of me like that," I say with smirk. "And how do you know what I think of yo-" She stops her self mid speech with the realization coming to her. "You used Legilimency to read my thoughts didn't you." She said, her face turning a red to challenge her hair. I smile at her "I might have done something of the sort I say with a smile. "Hey no fair I cant read your mind so you should not be able to read mine" she says indignantly. I slip my shirt over my head and slip my pants on "Sorry love I could not resist I saw you eye fucking me over there" I say and she turns a even deeper shade of red. "Prat" she says and throws a pillow at me I raise my wand and the pillow stops mid air with out me needing to say a spell. 

Ginny looks surprised then she starts going deep in thought. "Harry when was the last time you need to speak a spell" I look at her curiously and think back. "I think the last time I had to speak a spell was Expelliarmus when I used it against Tom Riddle at the Battle of Hogwarts after that I just kinda did it out of habit but lately I have not been saying spells just thinking them and imagining what I want my target to do" I explain. "Wow, Harry that is incredible most witches and wizards cant do that, what other spells can you cast nonverbally" I shrug my shoulder and Reply "all of them I suppose now that I think about it the guys at the office gave me a weird look when I casted a Corporeal Patronus Nonverbally." "NO WAY there is no way you can cast a full Corporeal Patronus Nonverbally it just not possible" Ginny says Indignantly. "You calling me a Lier Weasley" i ask. "Well I'm not caller you a truther" she snaps back I sigh and think of Ginny and I's first kiss and think Expecto Patronum and a silvery white stag comes forth threw my wand and starts prancing threw the room and threw the walls coming to a rest in front of me before giving a low bow and fading away. I look at Ginny with a smug smile and she looks at me dumb struck. "Harry just how powerful are you even Professor Dumbledor could not cast a full Corporeal Patronus?" I look at Ginny and let the information sink in and as it dose I start to fell a ball form in my through I push it down and say "I don't know love, I never really though of it." 

After the Revelation we walked down stairs were Kreacher had breakfast ready for us we ate our fill and ginny got ready for her day of practice at Holyhead with her team. The first game was at the end of the month and they were facing the Chudley Cannons; talk about a tough first game. Once 11oclock rolled around Ginny was ready to go she came over and gave me a peck on the lips and we said our goodbyes and see you laters and stepped into the hearth and flood to Holyhead stadium. 

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