Chapter 23: Happy New Year

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31 December 1998

Harry P.O.V

Teddy Moved in with us this past Sunday and he has been terrific. Ginny and I were a bit worried that he would wake us up in the middle of the night like he used to when we would babysit him, but so far he has been sleeping easily threw the night and not waking up until about 6:30. Teddy seems to like his room and enjoys the fact that the room changes colors. So far his favorite color to leave it on is a teal color much like his hair. Teddy is a very happy and bubbly baby and Ginny and I could not be happier at the moment. 

Tonight is New Year's Eve, and I was invited to the Ministries annual New Years Ball Teddy was staying at Mrs, Weasley's for the night so I could take my two lovely dates to the ball, Ginny and Grayce. Once I asked both girls, they of course said yes then Immediately left for The alley to go dress shopping leaving me alone with a hungry Teddy. I had bought black-on-black dress robes that made me look pretty snazzy if I do say so myself.

We had just dropped off Teddy at Molly's and gotten back home. Ginny and Grayce ran upstairs to Grayce's room to get ready for the night and I walked up to mine and Ginny's to also get ready. Once I got my dress robes on I looked at myself in the Mirror. Ginny wanted me to get an emerald green tie to match her dress and said that my eyes don't count. Grayce wanted me to get a Royal Blue tie to match her Dress so I did one better and got a tie, pocket square, and cufflinks made of silk that had a pearlescent design to it If you looked at it one way it was emerald green with Royal blue tripes and if you looked at it another way it was royal blue with emerald green stripes. (Media below)

Mom gave me a spell that should tame my unruly hair and said it worked for Dad on their wedding day

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Mom gave me a spell that should tame my unruly hair and said it worked for Dad on their wedding day. I pointed my wand at my hair and thought Pecten capillos (I made up the spell it is Latin for comb hair) and then started to brush my hair with my wand. To my surprise my hair obeyed and did it what I wanted it to. I put it in a neat a formal looking comb over. I started walking back a forth in front of the mirror then I suddenly stopped put my hand in the shape of a muggle gun and said, "Potter, Harry Potter" Like those 007 movies. I suddenly felt stupid and stopped. My face heats in embarrassment for watching myself do that. I finished getting ready with some forest musk cologne and headed downstairs to wait for the girls.

Grayce P.O.V

Ginny and I ran to my room to get ready for the ball. Once we got there we started doing each other's hair and makeup Ginny asked for me not to go overboard as she does not normally like wearing makeup. I went with a modest amount of blush and thin strips of black eyeliner with a small wing on the side of her eye and then gave her some emerald green mascara on her eyelid to match her dress and red lipstick. I went somewhat simple with Ginny's hair as well curling it from the middle of her hair length to the bottom then I separated her long bangs from the rest of her hair and braided and then wrapped it around the side of her head giving it a half tiara look. I then used my wand to conjure little royal blue hair pieces that would stick in her hair so she would have something to match me. 

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