Read this before you read the book

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Hey guys I just wanted to let you all know that this Story has explicit sexual content in it as well as possibly offensive and triggering scenes. There will be a warning beforehand and you don't have to read the scene if you choose not to the story is not written around these scenes and you will not miss anything. The scenes are there to give the book a more adult feel and for fan service. Again there will be a Warning before every explicit scene and you don't have to read them. Also, scenes like these are few and far between I am very careful to not overload this book with explicit content. Thank you for reading this note. If you decide you wanna continue on thank you so much. I hope you enjoy the book. Please vote and leave comments and ideas you'd like me to include. I'm not saying I'll include everything but it will help me think of new ideas. If you decide not to read this book I understand and I thank you for your interest 

This is a Hinny and Romine ship book so any ships opposing to them I will not consider. I am hoping to drag the book on for a while but we will see what happens. Also, the book is Mostly canon but some things will be different.

                         Thanks for reading. Keep calm and read on.

                                                                   Ray JG Sutin

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