Chapter 7: The Birthday Boy

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////////July 31st 1998///////

*Ginny POV*

"HARRY POTTER, IS DEAD" I hear from no one other than Lord Voldemort himself. I look over and see Hagrid carrying the limp body of Harry Potter. "NO!, NOOOO!, NO!" I scream. I run forward and hear my dad yell at me to stop but I don't I run to Harry and Hagrid sets him down on the cold stone ground. I pick Harry's head up and cradle it in my lap I can't feel anything but sadness and despair, "NO, Harry, Harry wake up please wake up," I plead. : Foolish girl," comes a harsh voice that sends shivers up my spine. Harry Harry Potter is dead, you put your faith, in me now. Now Join me or DIE." I'd rather die and be with Harry than join you!" I shout threw sobs. As you wish then girl AVADA...... "GINNY NO!" I hear my father's voice and watch him dive in front of me as a green light shoots from Voldemort's wand and my father falls to the ground. Dead. I look in shock not wanting to believe what I'm seeing then I hear screaming and yelling all around me and look back and see my family and friend being struck down one by one.......
                                               *end of nightmare*

I wake up Screaming and Thrashing tears in my eyes, Screaming Harry's name begging for him to get up when I hear my father's voice. "GINNY, GINNY! GINNY! WAKE UP" Yells Mr. Weasly almost in a panic while shaking his daughter. Ginny finally comes to her senses after some time finally out of the nightmare. It was horrible I cried into my father's arms, and after an unknown amount of time, I pulled myself together and went to take a shower.

Today was Harry's 18th Birthday and I had planned a party for him. I just didn't tell him because Harry hates parties for him. Still, he has never had a real birthday party. as we ran around the Burrow getting everything ready George came in with a large banner that was supposed to say "Happy Birthday Harry, We Love you" but George being Freds Twin took it further it now would read " Happy Birthday Chosen one, Happy Birthday Saviour of the Wizarding world, Happy Birthday to the Boy you lived TWICE, Happy Birthday Scarhead and lastly Happy Birthday Harry. I looked at George who was smiling and I rolled my eyes and went to put it up. Around 4 PM we were finally finished and guests started arriving,

Ron was in Charge of keeping Harry away from the house until it was time.

*Harry's POV*

Ron and I were hanging out in the Leaky Cauldron having butter beers. " Seems like everyone knows it's my birthday today mate," I said to Ron as yet another Wizard walked by wishing me a happy birthday. Well, you are probably the most famous Wizards alive right now. so of course, it is natural for everyone to know mate. come on cheer up, it will be fine, it is your birthday after all. It's a date meant to celebrate you."  he replied. I appreciate the gesture but I still wanted to go lie and a hole and hide from people. After some time Ron got a message from Errol after the rudy bird knocked our butter beers over. Ron took the message and the owl flew off. he looked at the note and said "right then let's go," I looked at him confused, but he just got up and started taping the brinks and then went out to the ally I followed. he stopped and held his arm out for me to grab it and said "hold on" a little annoyed I grabbed his arm and he apparated us to the burrow.

When we arrived I wished Voldemort would have killed me a few months ago seemed like everyone was there The Weasleys, Luna, Nevill, Dean, Seamus, Hagrid, Professor McGonagall, the rest of the DA and the Order, and Kingsley was there as well. I felt my face head up, then I turned on the spot and apperated to Godrics Hollow

*Ginny POV*

I turned around after hearing a loud POP to see Harry and Ron standing in the yard I looked at Harry and smiled I hope he likes his surprise. He stood there surveying the scene and his face turned red and with a loud pop, he disappeared. I ran to Ron and asked him where he went. He just shook his head, "you knew he doesn't like parties for his birthday, Ginny," he said. I knew he wasn't a big fan but I mean come on it's not every day he turns 18. I looked behind me and everyone looked downcast. I left for the one place I could think he would go; Gremuld place.

When I arrived and ran inside. "Harry, Harry, I'm sorry I just..." I looked around and could not see him I went to our room and he was not there. "Krechter!" I called. POP "how may Krecher assist you Ms, Weasley?" "Have you seen Harry recently has he been here," I asked? Kreacher explained that he had not seen Harry since he left this morning. I was at a loss not knowing where Harry was had me worried. Where could he be? I rattled my brain trying to think where he would be. I heard someone enter threw the fireplace and ran to see it was Hermione. "Do you know of anyplace Harry would go to be alone," I asked her almost sounding desperate. She looked at me and thought threw for a while. "Well if he is not here, then the only place I can think of is Godrics Hallow. Harry and I visited when we were hunting last Christmas. His mom and Dad are buried there and that's where he lived till his parents died," She Explained. I can't believe I didn't think of that. I thanked Hermione and left apparating to Godrics Hollow.

*Harry's POV*      

When I got to the Godrics Hallow I went to where my parents were buried and just sat there on my knees staring at the headstones. This is the time of year I wish they were still alive most often so they could see how much I have grown up into the man I am today. "Hi Mum, Dad. It's my birthday today I'm finally 18. I have a Girlfriend, whos amazing she threw this Party for me today and the minute I got there I left and came here I was overwhelmed by it so many people whose lives have been changed because of me. I finally defeated Lord Voldemort and I have a job at the Ministry as an Auror. Feels like I can finally live my life in relative peace; then again I am "the chosen one" there is only so much peace one can get with being the most famous wizard. can't even go on a date without reporters descending on me. Really wish you were here. I miss you."

While I was just sitting there I felt a presence behind me and then i a hand on my shoulder. I turn to see it was Ginny. "You ok Harry? You scared me pretty good when I couldn't find you," she asked. "Yea I'm ok just was overwhelmed by everything. I'm sorry I left Love. you wanna go back.?" she noted her head and we went back to the Partty.

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