Chapter 9: Tryouts

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                                                                                  17 Auguest, 1998

                                                                                 Ginnys POV

Today was the day. Today was the day of the tryouts for the Holyhead Harpies Quidditch Team, I had just woken up and felt around for Harry but he was not in bed. When would this boy learn that mornings are ment for cuddling. I throw the Blanket off of me and climb out of bed teddy spent the night at Andromeda's house last night so I didn't bother dressing yet. I walked out to the landing and could smell food being cooked and started walking down stairs and walk into the Kitchen. I see Harry at the stove cooking breakfast and slowly and carefully I try sneaking up on him. "I know your there Gin cant sneak up on me that easy" I hear Harry say. "Ohhhhhh how do you always know i'm there." I groan. "Im Harry Potter and a Auror im suppost to know when someone is sneaking up on me" he says. "Yea will not your own girlfriend," I reply. he laughs and turns around and hands me a plate of pancakes sausage and bisects. I gratefully take the plate kiss him and sit at the table to eat. Where Harry soon joins me hobbling over on his crutches. We sit there eating breakfast and enjoying each others company. The silence is broken when Harry askes what time the tryouts are. I reply by saying that I need to be there by 1pm. He nods his head and continues eating.

After we finished eating I collected all the plates and set them in the sink and used a charm my mum taught me to have them clean themselves. I then help Harry to the sitting room and we turn on watching the tv and watch the morning muggle news; I still find Telewhatsits fascinating. they were talking about what happened at the dinner the other day. The muggle news reported it to be a gas leak that destroyed the Dinner saying that is was a stroke of luck that nobody was killed of corse the two that Hermione had killed after making the roof cave in was covered up my the ministry and taken away be for reporters appeared the only people who know what really happen are magic folk.

Once noon Rolled around I went a took a shower and got dressed and ready for tryouts before I went to Harry who was trying to stand up but was having a real difficult time of it. I help him up then told him I was heading out and that mum should be over a bit later to help him out if he needs anything. He smiled and me and gave me a kiss. "I would tell you goodluck but you dont need it your going to knock there socks off Gin" He said. I blushed and kissed him again. "love you," I said and he said it back. "be careful," I heard Just as I apparated.

Upon Arrival to the stadium I proceeded to walk to the reception area told them my name and they pointed the way to the locker room where I changed into some quidditch gear. Then I walked out onto the Field were the Tryouts would happen and the rest of the attendees were gathering. A few girls seem to recognize me and came over to me. "Are you Ginny Weasley," one girl asked. I told her I was and then then started asking me stuff like what its like dating THE Harry Potter and loads of other stuff it was a bit weird because most be ask if i am Harry Potter's girlfriend not even asking what my name is then they proceed to chew me out and call me all sorts of names and say I was not worthy to be his girl friend but these girls were diffrent not only did they know my name but they were asking questions like how we met and when we knew we liked each other and what it was like during the war. They also seemed to know that I was ranked as one of the best chasers to come out of Hogwarts. so I humored them while we were waiting for the Tryouts to start.

At 1 O'clock Gwenog Jones flew over us and started talking and explaining how Tryout would work. she explained that the Chasers would be assigned a number and would have to compete against other chasers to score as many points as possible in a set time limit. Then we would be set up into groups and have to play game against each group testing our offence and defense. after that they would take the 3 best seekers and have them compete in a penalty shot contest, a trick shot contest and a speed and agility test. They would then pick the best chaser to be there chaser and the other 2 would be back up and on the practice squad.

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