Chapter 28: Mama and Dada

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20 January 1999

Ginny P.O.V

Practice was canceled until we knew what was going to happen. Harry was still thinking about what he wanted to do, and I was not going to nag him about it. Harry was at work and I was taking care of little Teddy.

I had just finished giving Teddy a bottle for breakfast and laid him in his playpen with Moony and some other toys. He started babbling and playing with his toys, mostly Moony, while I fixed something for me to eat. Today was Kreachers day off and he wanted to take his daughter, Rismey out today, so they were not home. I fixed myself some cereal and quickly at it. 

Once I was done I walked out to the sitting area where Teddy was. Once he saw me he held his hands up signaling he wanted to be held. I picked him up, carried him over to the armchair, and sat down. Teddy squirmed around until he was on his back in my arms. He looked at me, scanning me with his eyes. His hair turned a firey red like mine then said, "Ma-ma" while holding his hands out for me. I froze and tears threatening to cascade down my face. Teddy had said his first word, and it was mumma. I was overwhelmed with emotions.  I didn't wanna confuse the poor boy or scold him so I just looked at him and smiled then said "Ginny" and pointed at me. "Ma-ma?" he replied. I sighed and decided I would have to talk to Harry about this when he came home. 

I heard Harry arrive home and go to kiss him. I pulled him into the sitting room and the moment Teddy saw Harry his hair turned black like his and held his arms up "Da-da," Harry froze on the spot and looked at me. "Did he just..." Harry trailed off. "Yeah, and he called me Mumma today as well," I explain. Harry picks up Teddy and walks him up to Teddy's room and I follow. Harry sits Teddy on the changing table and picks up a picture of Tonks and Remus then holds it out for Teddy to see. He then points to Tonks and says "Mama," and then points to Remus and says "Dada." Teddy looks confused and shakes his head. Then points at Harry "Dada" he repeats. Harry lets out a sigh. " I think we might have to talk to Tonks and Remus," Harry states. I agree.


21 January 1999

Harry and I talked last night and decided that we would go to Hogwarts today and talk to Remus and Tonks with Teddy. Harry sent McGonagall an owl asking for permission and we got a response back late last night just before we went to bed. Teddy and I would be meeting Harry at Hogwarts after he got out of work. Since yesterday Teddy has been insistent on calling me Mama and Harry Dada. It broke my heart a little every time but also made me filled with pride that Teddy saw us as his parents. It meant he was comfortable with us and happy. Teddy's teeth were growing in nicely and mum told me I could start giving him soft foods like bananas along with his milk. So after giving him his bottle at lunch I cut up half a banana and put it on Teddy's food tray. He didn't know what to do with it at first and started smashing it with his fist and giggling. "No, no Teddy," I said giggling softly. "Like this." I picked up a slice and put it up to his mouth. He opens his mouth and I feed it to him. He chews it getting used to the new taste and texture then swallows and giggles. "Good boy Tedster," I praise and he starts picking up the other slices and eats them.

It was half 5 and I was getting ready to meet Harry at Hogwarts. Once I was ready I grabbed Teddy and placed him on my hip. I walked over to the fireplace and we floo'd to the 3 broomsticks. Once we arrived Teddy was giggling like he always does when we use the Floo network. I greet Madam Rosemerta and make my way to Hogwarts.

Once we arrived Harry was already waiting for us. I passed Harry Teddy as my arms were getting tired and we walked to the main entrance and made our way to the Hall of Heros. Once we made it waved to Fred as we passed and said I'd talk to him later.  We found Tonks and Remus and when they saw Teddy they had smiles on their faces. "Oh my baby, Teddy you grown so much." squealed Tonks. Remus smiled and looked down at his son. Teddy was a bit confused but the moving and talking pictures. He pointed at the pictures and said "oooo" which at this point we knew Teddy was trying to say 'who'. I look at Teddy and tell him "That's your mama," while pointing at Tonks. "And that's your Dada," I say while pointing at Remus. Teddy then shakes his head and points at Harry and changes his hair to black like his, "Dada," he says. Then pointed at me while changing his hair to red like mine and said, "Mama." Tonks and Remus look at each other and Tonks starts to cry. Harry sighs, "That's what we came to talk to you guys about. He is insistent that he calls us that and we don't really know what to do," he explains to them. Tonks calms down but still has tears coming down her eyes. They both look at us calmly and with pride. "Harry, you and Ginny might not be his biological parents but that does not matter to Teddy right now. He sees you as his mum and dad and to us, that is all we could hope for. For him to grow up and know he is loved and cared for. If he wants to call you mum and dad, I don't see the problem. You love him like he is your own and that is was being a mum and dad really is about. One day, when he is old enough to understand better, he might decide to just call you Harry and Ginny, but he might also keep calling you Mum and Dad. And that will be fine too," Remus explains. "Harry, Ginny, if you think that him calling you mum and dad is disrespectful to us then don't worry dears it's actually quite the opposite. It reassures us that we made the right choice," Tonks added. Harry and I look at each other and have an unspoken conversation. Then we look back at Tonks and Lupin. "You're sure you both are ok with it," I ask shyly. I was kinda coming to terms with being called mama. "Ginny dear as long as Teddy is happy then we are happy," Tonks said. Then tonks looks at Teddy and bends down on her knees. "Teddy dear," she says getting his attention. Teddy looks over at her, Smiles, and turns his hair a color to match tonks. She smiles back, a tear falling from her eyes. "Are you happy with Harry and Ginny," she asks. Teddy nods his head. "and you wanna call them mama and dada," she asks tears still in her eyes. Teddy nods his head again. Tonks smiles and stands back up. "Thank you, Harry, Ginny for taking care of our baby."

We talked with Remus, Tonks, and Fred for a bit but we soon had to leave. We walk back to the three broomsticks and floo home. Once we got home Rismey had dinner ready she had not really talked to us much as she was a bit shy, but the smile on her face let us know she was happy here. Harry called Kreacher and invited both him and Rismey to eat at the table with us. "Master is too kind to us. Much too kinda," Kreacher says in his usual bullfrog voice. "Thank you, Master Harry for allowing us to dine with you," Said Rismey in her higher pitch voice. It sounded more human-like than Kreacher's. More soft and gentle as well. Grayce joined us for dinner and she started talking about her day at the office.

Once dinner was over. We walked into the sitting room. Ginny picked up one of the books about me the second one it looked like, and started reading in a armchair. I sat Teddy on the floor so he could crawl around and Grayce and I sat on the couch and started watching some muggle TV show. While we were watching Teddy climbed up onto the couch with some help from me and laid his head on my lap. Grayce followed Teddy's lead and did the same. Both quickly fell asleep. Ginny looked over and giggled, "Looks like I'm the odd one out she said smiling at our little family. Grayce was just as much a part of our family as Teddy and anyone else. I spread my legs apart a bit to give Ginny a spot to sit on the floor. She came over and sat down and continued to read.

Around 9:00 Ginny got up and took Teddy to his room. During that time Grayce got up and went to her room and I followed everyone's lead and me and Ginny went to our room. After everything that was going on it was nice to be able to relax without having to think about an impending threat to our safety. While me and Ginny were lying in bed I decided on something. "Hey Ginny, I think I'm gonna talk to Gwen tomorrow after work. I have a few questions and conditions I need to sort out if I'm going to be playing Seeker," I say. "Sounds good I'll write her tomorrow and let her know you're coming around 5," She replies and we drift off to sleep. 


22 January 1999

Harry P.O.V

I was just finishing up work and was packing my files away for the day and for the last time. Kingsly was set to return on Monday and I could not be more relieved. Unfortunately, Hermione and I could not finish working on our plan for homeless and less fortunate families, but we made some great strides hopefully Kingsly, and continue with it. 

I just arrived at Holyhead, not wanting a repeat of the last 2 times I sent a patronus to ask Gwen if I could come it. Not long after the door opened and I was called in.

"Harry, nice to see you," Gwen said as I walked in. I sat down in her office. "Nice to see you to Gwen," I say. "So Ginny tells me you have some questions, yea." "Yes, I do." "Well, Shoot." "It's not as much a question as it is a condition," I start. "If I agree to play seeker I can't come to more practices I'm already stretched thin as it is and I have a main job all I ask is don't make me choose because you won't win," I explain. "I would not dream of it and it is totally understandable. So is that a yes," "Yes, I will play seeker" I say. 

After Gwen's enthusiastic thanks, I head home and tell Ginny what I decided. If I thought Gwen was thankful before, She was completely indiferent if you compare her thanks to Ginny's. She showed me how thankful she was all night long.

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