Chapter 25: The Rescue

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1 January 1999

Harry P.O.V

I woke with Ginny in my arms and slowly made my way out of bed careful not to wake her. I was still tired from everything that had been going on and the little sleep I have been getting these last 2 days had not helped. I made my way out of the room and down the steps to where everyone was starting to gather. Gorge had brought some tricks from his shop he thought might be handy for the raid. stuff like extendable ears, light bombs, and instant darkness powder.

We were just engaged in idle chatter while eating an early breakfast when Ginny walked down the stairs. "You were not planning to leave without me were you Harry," Ginny said coming over to kiss me. "Wouldn't dream of it Gin," I responded a bit more sarcastically than I had planned. "Yeah, sure," she said playfully slapping my arm. She sits on my lap and starts eating my food. I just smile and shake my head. 

I start to hear Teddy's cries from upstairs and I go to stand up but Mrs, Weasley beats me to it and rushes up the stairs. Then returns with a calm but tear-stained Teddy. "I think he wants you Harry," Molly says. Ginny stands from my lap so I can take Teddy and feed him. I ask Ginny to grab some baby mash from the kitchen. She does and returns handing me the small glass jar and I start to feed Teddy. After the jar was empty, Teddy rested his head on my chest and fell back asleep. 

After some time it's time for us to go. I hand Teddy back to Molly and we all walk outside past the wards. I turn to Ginny. "Do you have to come? Can't you say and help your mum watch Teddy," I ask. "Harry, I'm part of the order same with everyone else you called on us you got us. Plus your acting minister should you be going," She replied. I could not deny that she got me there. As Minister, I should be staying far away from this, but here I am leading the charge next to Ron and Hermione just like the past 8 years. "Guess you got me there," I say and turn to look at the others. "Are we all ready," I asked. Everyone said they were ready and we apperated to the Address Ron gave us.

Kingly P.O.V

I was breathing heavily, Pyrites had been interrogating me. Trying to get me to tell him where Harry was. He couldn't understand that I genuinely didn't know and even if I did I still would not tell him. I could tell he was getting desperate. "WHERE IS HARRY POTTER HIDING" he bellowed. "I don't know, how the hell would I know? I have been locked up in here with you," I said. "Crucio."

Harry P.O.V

When we arrived Ron, Grayce, and the others were waiting for us. "Good to see you guys," Ron said. "Same," I replied. "So we did some recon on the office building and there is a large amount of magical activity coming from this suite of the building," Ron pointed at a specific spot on a picture of the Office building. "There is only one entrance and one exit there is also an anti-apperation ward so they can't apperate out," Ron continued. "No sure if there is an intruder alarm but plan for the moment we enter they will know it. Once we are inside we will clear each floor as teams. The teams will be Harry, Ginny, Grayce, Hermione, and I. Bill, Dad, McGonagall and Hagrid. Sturgis, Gorge, Angilena and Luna. Aurors you will stay in your teams like always. The last team to enter will stay by the door and ensure no one escapes, try and take them alive but if it is a choice between them and you, well you know. Everyone understand," Ron Finished. With no questions being raised, we set off down the street staying close to our assigned team.

Once we arrived Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Grayce, and I were the first in line. "Alohmora," Ron said softly and turned the handle. With wands raised, everyone filed into the building and began clearing rooms on the 1st floor. The 1st floor was easy only a few death eaters were around and we managed to pick them off silently, not raising any alarms. Once the 1st floor was clear we started upstairs to the 2nd leaving one team to guard the exit. 

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