Chapter 10: The Check-Up

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*1 weeks later

August 21, 1998

*Harry's POV*

                   "Gin Will you please help me stand up I still can't do this by myself." I hear a sigh from the other room, "You would if you would not baby your leg so much, you big baby." Gin comes into the room I am in and helps me stand. "but it hurts so much Gin, are we sure there is not a spell to heal it," I ask. "Harry! not this again you know magic cant heal cursed wounds it's impossible," Gin said sternly. "yes ma'am," I replay dejected. Teddy was spending time with his Grandmother Andromeda because she wanted to help out with him and given the state I'm in we took the offer. Ginny has been living with me for just over 2 weeks now, and honestly, I don't know how she stands me sometimes. Today I am going to the hospital for my 2-week checkup, I still don't know how I feel about Malfoy being my doctor but he seems a lot different now that he is away from his dad. Ginny says I need to give him a chance but I don't know, we will see I guess.

We arrived at St. Mungos and sat in the waiting room waiting to be seen. After about 20min of waiting we were called into a room. The nurse took my pulse and blood pressure as well as my oxygen level. i felt her eyes burn threw me like a hot poker and hover on my scars longer than normal particularly the large lightning scar on my chest. Ginny must have noticed because she came over after the nurse finished and was still staring and wrapped an arm around my shoulder and lifted herself up onto my lap then started kissing me hard and messing up my hair. I was very surprised by this. I felt her smile under my lips and she pulled away I smiled at her and then caught a glips of the nurse. Her mouth was agape and her eyes were wide. When she noticed I was looking at her she snapped back to reality she scowled at Ginny and left the room. 

*Ginny POV*

I could not believe this tramp, she was eyeing Harry like he was a T-Bone Steak cooked just right. Her eyes lingered way too long and her hand grazing his body by "Accident" I had to do something to show this tramp he was mine, and I did. I got up Climbed up in MY lover's lap and kissed him with all I had. When I pulled away and looked at the nurse she looked completely put out and wasted no time leaving the room. 

"She looked like she was about to jump your bones," I said with a bit of venom in my voice. Harry agreed. I got off his lap and sat back in my chair. No time after that however the nurse barged back in and b4 I even had a chase to react started kissing my Boyfriend and not just kissing I mean really kissing I even notice her tough slip into his mouth. I was in shock and judging by Harry's wide eyes he was too. After the initial shock, I started seeing Red. "STUPIFY" I shouted knocking and Skank off Harry. I was so unbelievably pissed. I have never been so mad in my life. before I knew it I was shouting Bats Muco, and hit her with a stinging jinx in her face. the nurse now spewing bats out of her nose and with a fat face ran away crying. 

"The absolute nerve of that skank" I shrieked. "Who does she think she is," "I was just going into a furious rant when I was grabbed from behind and pulled into a tight and passionate, and love-filled kiss effectively stopping all thoughts. "Feel Better," said Harry as he pulled away. "No not yet but it's a start," I said and was just going to go back to kissing when Malfoy walked in the room. 

Hey, do either of you have anything to do with why Assistant Nuse Vane ran out with Bats flying out of her nose and a swollen face. I shot Malfoy a Glare and said "Vane as in Romilda Vane as in THE Romilda Van that Tried to give my boyfriend a love potion in 6th year that Vane? because if so she was just in here checking out my boyfriend in more than a medical persona so I had to mark my territory and I started kissing Harry in front of her she left looking dejected. Then right after I sat back down in the chair she comeback in and throws herself at him and starts kissing him WITH TONGE! so I reacted the way I reacted which I think she is lucky she only got stupefied and a few jinks," Malfoy looked shocked and said "right well remind me not to get on you bad side ever again and thanks for all the paperwork," I smirked at him and said " You very welcome Draco. Think of the paperwork as punishment for all the horrible shit you did in school and we will be even. Oh and keep the skank away from me and Most of all Harry." "Will do Miss Weasley. now can we get on to the check-up?"

*Harrys POV*

The check-up went well everything is going as it should for a muggle anyway. we were just wrapping up that appointment when I decided to do it. "Hey Draco, Erm what do you say about coming over for dinner next Saturday? Maybe we can give this friend thing a shot." "St. Potter, did you just invite me over to your place for dinner on Saturday? Did I miss something are you sick you must be dying Potter," said Draco. I smirked and left saying "6 pm Saturday at number 12 Grimuld place if you are interested. I looked over and Ginny was looking at me completely shocked.

*Ginny POV* 

There is absolutely no way I just witnessed that two guys who have been after the others' throats for the last 7 years just had a real conversation and Harry even invited him over for dinner next Saturday what the hell is happening? 

When we got home I was still in shock. I had to ask Harry if that really just happened and he apologized for not asking me beforehand, but I didn't care about that I was just shocked, and dare I say it proud of him. He is really looking past what happened in the past and is able or willing to see that Draco Malfoy has changed. No longer is he the git from school, but a decent human being. Of course, I had to tell Hermione. she was just as shocked as I was. Ron was collapsed from the shock. They both insisted that they had to be there for the dinner.

I was cooking dinner while Harry was in his home office filling out paperwork and looking over files for upcoming trials. one of them being Lucious Malfoys. Lucious is a sneaky little Weasle and has been trying to wiggle his way out of an Azkaban sentence Harry was bound determined not to let that happen and yesterday he just hit a home run. He was able to find Security Footage of the incident and Cought Lucious cast the number one most unforgivable curse; the Killing curse at Hermione who is a government official. This video Proves his Guilt and all but promises Life in Azkaban if not sent to the vail or Fed to the Dementors. I was very proud of his determination and strength. After we ate I went upstairs to our room and changed in to surprise for Harry. It was black lingerie that was see threw but I knew he loved it and he deserved it after day and I wanted him so bad.




I lay on the bed waiting for him to hobble up the stairs. When he finally got in the room his mouth fell open waved an enticing finger at him to come closer. To which he did I got up and kissed him and helped him remove his clothes and lay on the bed; tonight was all about him. We laid there with his body completely bare making out when I started leaving trails of kisses and love bites down his jawline, down his neck over his chest and abs, and to his midriff. He was breathing heavily from the excitement and anticipation. I grab ahold of his shaft and start stroking his member. his body became more rigid when I licked the tip of his dick and take him in my mouth and start bobbing my head up and down while moving my tongue. I pick up the pace and start taking more of him into me I remove my hand and start messaging his balls. Harry lets out a moan of pleasure. This goes on until I start to deep-throat him and flex the muscles in my throat. this sends him overboard and he spurts his load in my mouth and I suck every last bit of his potent potion out of him. 


After the night's events, we laid in bed and cuddled before falling asleep.

Hey Guys, I'm back after a lot of time away hoping to keep at it I have changed some details in the story thus far so feel free to go back in and re-read the past 8 chapters but nothing huge has been added.

Leave me comments and tell me out you like the story so far

Thanks, Everyone   

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