Chapter 11: Saturday Night

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Another week went buy and it was now Saturday, Draco was coming over for dinner tonight and Harry, still healing from his injuries was getting the house ready for dinner, cleaning then best he could with a broken leg, and trying to figure out what to cook for dinner. Kreacher wondered into the kitchen and asked Harry if we could make anything for him. Harry looked at the little house elf then sighed. "Hey Kreacher." Harry said. "Were having a guest over for dinner tonight do you think you could fix dinner" I was not often that Harry would ask Kreacher for help much to Kreacher's disappointment so when Harry did ask him a smile appeared on his face not long after Kreacher was shooing Harry out of the kitchen and asking that Harry go relax, that he would take care for everything for the dinner. 

                                                                   *Harry POV*

After being shood out of my own kitchen I spot Ginny smiling and trying to not to giggle. "What's so funny?" I ask her. "Oh you know watching Kreacher shoo THE Harry Potter out of his own kitchen." she says with a smile. "You know Kreacher loves to help out a round here I don't know why you don't let him help more" she says. "I don't know Ginny just feels weird to ask a house elf to do things. I know that what there here for and he enjoys helping around the house but I don't know, maybe after 7 years of hearing Hermione go on about S.P.E.W and House elf rights has rubbed off on me." It was 4 o'clock and Ron and Hermione would be arriving in about a hour Draco about a hour and a half. I honestly cant believe I invited Draco over to my house but he did save my life after I was injured and he dose seem to have changed; But with that being said I am still going to have my wand near by just in case. Me and Ginny walk into the sitting room and take a seat on the couch, ginny snuggling into my chest and I flip the muggle TV set on and started watching our favorite show "Charmed" its about a group of Sister who discovered they were witches based in a American city San Fransico.

The show had just ended when we heard the fireplace rawr to life we looked over to see Ron and Hermione step out. "Hey Ron, 'Mione glad you could make it" I said. Hermione looked over and smiled at Ginny and I. "No Problem" she said and walked over and gave me and kiss on the cheek and a hug and did the same with Ginny. "Not gonna kiss your cheek mate not offence" Ron said as he walked over and gave me a hug I laughed a bit before he went a gave his sister a hug and kiss on the cheek. "oh but you'll kiss your sister on the cheek I see how it is "I say fake hurt. Ron looks at me and seems he really thinks in hurt buy it. Just when i was going to drop the act Ginny joined in. "Yea Ron look at Harry his is your best friend for 8 years now how could you do that to him?" Ron looked Flabergasted and looked to Hermione for help but she wanted no part then rom slowly walked over to me and leaned in just when he was about to kiss my cheek i bust out laughing as well as Ginny and I take a step back. "We were messing with you Ron. I cant believe you were gonna do it" I said laughing harder still. Ron's whole face turned red and he walked over to Hermione looking very embarrassed.

As we calmed down Ron noticed the smell coming from the kitchen and went to investigate. Ron was just heading into the kitchen when the doorbell rang I went to answer and open the door to see Draco Malfoy. Evening Potter he said smoothly and help out his hand I took it a we shook hands. "How long did you stand in the mirror practicing that" I say jokingly with a smile. He looked at me and smiled back "oh you know 15 minutes half a hour maybe" he said. We both looked at each other a laughed together for the fist time ever. "You know you're not to bad Malfoy" I said. "Your not bad your self Potter" said Draco back. All of a sudden we hear a loud crash and Ron comes flying out of the kitchen and into the sitting room. We all stand there surpised. "Ron what happened" Hermione said rushing over to the dazed Ron. Kreacher comes to the doorway shooting ron a stink eye "No eating the food before. stay out if you know what good for you" Kreacher said to Ron then walked back into the kitchen mumbling something under his breath.

"Well that was interesting" Draco said. "Didn't expect you to have a house elf Potter, thought Granger was against the sort of thing." "Oh she is but he is well taken care off and treated fairly so it ok" I explain. Come on lets got sit in the dinning room i'm sure Kreacher has dinner ready." We all go take are seats in the dinning area with me sitting next to Ginny and Ron sitting next to Hermione and Draco being the odd one out sitting at the head of the table. Not long after we sat down Kracher magicked the food onto the table and we dug in with Ron being the least graceful of all of us.

As we ate we made small talk and got to know Draco better. He was a whole different man then he was in school if he would have acted like this at school we all would have been friends, but the past is in the past. "So Draco what made you become a healer" Ginny Asked? "We'll after you know who was killed my father took us into hiding. I over heard him talking to some other Death Eaters about finding away to bring him back from the dead but when that failed my dad lost his marbles started experimenting with dark magic like necromancy and the like I guess my mum overheard him talking about needing a test subject and he was gonna use me. So my mum confronted him got into a huge fight and she ended up divorcing him and taking me with her After that whole bit I decided to turn myself into the ministry take my punishment like a man. Fortunately I was a minor and scared for my life not to mention under the imperious curse for a lot of things including when I became a death eater and I never really did anything to warrant imprisonment in Azkaban so they let me go with a Huge Fine and like 3 years of having that Ministry trace Charm on me that will alert them if I so much as sneeze in the wrong direction. So after that I decided I wanted to help people and being a healer was the best way I could I was always gifted with healing magic not that I would let anyone know it at the time." We all sat there and stared at Draco like he was a alien listening to his story. When he finished the room was silent, we had no clue what to say. I was the first to speak up. "Wow Draco talk about a whole Character Development gone from a complete prat in school to a real standup guy and high ranked Healer cant get much better then that." We continue talking and getting to know Draco more. With as much animosity that was between us I was surprised that we were able to set that aside and become fast friends. "Well Draco," i say. "I must say I was a little nervous about this dinner but I am glad that we did this I also want to ask you something," I say and Draco along with everyone else looks at me. I this and my face gose red with all the attention on me. "Well, You see... Ah... I don't really have a Primary Healer yet and I was wondering if you would take that spot as my primary healer? Seeing as you already saved my life" the room goes silent. "St. Potter are you serious right now?" asked Draco in his old Sneer with a playful smile on his face. "I would be honored to be to be your primary care Healer Harry," he says. He holds out his hand and I shake it.

The rest of the night playes out without incident as we talk about school and life Ron even brought up how Hermione full on punched Draco in third year "yea that hurt. You broke my nose Granger, could not smell nothing for a week." Hermione just smiled and laughed a bit of red in her cheeks from the memory.

Soon the night came to a end. Draco left to go home as well as Ron and Hermione. Me and Ginny went to our rooms and got ready for bed as we laid there we thought of tonight's events and how a war can change people even for the better.       

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