Chapter 30:

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31 January 1999

Harry P.O.V

For the last 5 days, I only worked half days. Not much was going on in the Auror Department next week the tests will start for the recruits and I was excited about that. I used the other half of the days to show up to practice with the Holyheads. Gwen was very happy about that. Over the last few days, we got pretty confident that we could work out Puddlmere's strategy and counter strategies they would no doubt use.

Today was the day. My first Pro-Quidditch game. It would be an understatement to say I was nervous. Ginny and I were sitting at home relaxing before the game, or relaxing as much as we could. This game was not just any game though. Recently someone invented a wizard version of a muggle TV and today was the first match to be broadcasted live over the air other than radio. Our match was also the only match happening today. So, this was the definition of prime time. Not only was there going to be a jam-packed stadium of thousands of people but also millions watching from home. Nobody knew I was filling in as seeker, sure everyone knew we had a seeker but the only people who knew I was it was the family, close friends, team, and the officials. Honestly, I am surprised it has not been found out yet. So it was going to be a big surprise.

It was about 2:00 and we were getting ready to head out the game was at 5 but we needed to be there at 2:30. Once we were ready we headed out to Holyhead. Once we arrived we had to split for a bit so I could get dressed. Once I was ready I sent a patronus to Gwen asking her to tell me when it was safe for me to come in. After about 10 minutes I saw Ginny's patronus come in and give me the green light to come in.

I walked into the locker room and Gwen and I started reviewing the game strategy with the team. Since I was the Seeker I would have the best view to view to see what strategy they were using and would be the one to signal how to react. We went over things to watch out for and how to counteract their playstyles. Soon, It was time to take the field.

We started walking into the tunnel and I put my hood up to hide my face until my name was called as requested by Gwen. We could hear the announcer as we waited. "Welcome to today's Quidditch Match. The weather today is perfect, could not ask for better. Today's match with be between the Holyhead Harpies and Puddlemer United. Both have been fantastic this year folks. The Harpies lead the League for the Cup but Puddlemer is right behind them in 2nd place only trailing by 50 points. Puddlemere has a team at full health while the Harpies have suffered 2 losses 1st Morgana Breeze had to take the bench for maternity leave and 2nd There backup Seeker Regina Plank had a very unfortunate and serious accident at practice leaving her unable to play. The Harpies have found a replacement but as of now, she is unknown to anyone. All we could find out was that they were a very talented seeker at Hogwarts. So with that being said let's get the match started!" I was getting nervous Ginny looked at me and smiled reassuringly. The annoucer started speaking again in a booming and raspy voice. "Ladies and Gentle Men! Boys and Girls! Children of all Ages! Entering the Pitch from the South tunnel its PUDDLEMER UNITED led by their Captain and Keeper Oliver Wood followed by Chasers Alivia Jordan, Jacob Pintchman, and Joscelind Wascock. Beaters Greg Hollow and Ashley Knott and Seeker Benjy Williams!"

The team flew out and did laps around the pitch holding their fists in the air. This was a huge rivalry game a few years ago Puddlemere United poached one of the Harpies' players and threats were made. There was a Riot at the game and Gwen got arrested but was later released.

"And now entering the Pitch from the north side tunnel everyone make some notice for your HOLYHEAD HARPIES! Led by their Captain and Beater Gwenog Jones! Followed by Chasers Ginny Weasely, Wilda Griffiths, and Valmai Morgan. Keeper, Alison Parker. Beater Christina Bonnington and thier mystery Seeker who still does not have a name!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 25 ⏰

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