Chapter 16: New Recruits

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The next week came and went. Harry and Ron got the approval from Minister Shacklebolt to accept recruits that fought in the Battle for Hogwarts, and the 1st group was set to start on the 14th of September. It was a group of 8 all of whom fought in the Battle. Finley Gooseberry; Gryffindor, Hunter Box; Gryffindor, Neville Longbottom; Gryffindor, Grayce Dovetail; Ravenclaw, Rose Sow; Gryffindor, Kyla Flower; Hufflepuff, Eli Bucks; Gryffindor, and Seamus Finigan; Gryffindor. In charge of their testing and training was no other than Harry Potter.


                                                           14th September, 1998

                                                      Harry's P.O.V

I arrived at the Auror Office a hour early today so I could set up the training area and prepare the tests. After that was finished I went to my office and waited for the recruits to show up. Of course the 1st to arrive was Neville. He didn't seem to see me in my office and was directed to the class room by another Auror. I did not want to show Favoritism so I let it go. Soon more recruits started showing up. Class starts at 8 and it was currently 7:55 so I got up from my chair and grabbed Ron from his Office to follow me. As we entered the room the recruits fell silent from their conversations. Ron and I walked to the raised dais and I began speaking. "Morning recruits, welcome to you first day in the Auror Department." I was interrupted when the door to the room blew open and a very disheveled Seamus Finigan ran into the room. I looked at him some what crossed. "Sorry Harry-er sir I overslept" he explained. "So I see. Well we were just getting started so have a seat" I say and he does. I continue were I left off. "As I was saying. Welcome to your first day in the Auror Department. As I'm sure you all know I am the Head Auror Harry Potter and this is my Deputy Ron Weasley. While normally you would go through 3 years of training to become a full Auror with the situation we are in now we have decided to wave the 3 years as you have already proven yourselves competent during the battle, But with that being said you will not be fully qualified Aurors yet you must 1st pass a few tests and then assuming you pass you will be paired up with other Aurors to learn and gain experience. After such time you feel as well as your trainers feel you are ready, you will be required to put all you skills and experience to the test in a simulation. If at such time you pass the simulation you then Graduate to become Aurors. your test scores will determine seniority among your peers. Those with the highest test scores will have higher seniority, but note that the aurors you are partnered with will take note of your actions and behavior think of your shadowing as another test. While under training you will not participate in assignments over a certain threshold of danger. If your Partners are assigned a mission that is determined to be to dangerous you will help with investigations and other things in house. While we went to school with most of you, we will not show favoritism. You will address us as Auror Potter/Weasley or Sir while you are training. After you graduate or outside of work feel free to call us whatever. Now I think that covers it; any questions?" I finally finish and after a bit of silence I nod my head and start handing out tests. "This is the written portion of the test it covers Potions, Charms, Transfiguration and DADA. You have 2 hours to complete the test after this will be the Practical portion." After I hand out all the tests I stand back at the dais "you may begin."

After about a 1 hour and 45min I look around to see everyone has completed the test. "If you have completed the test you may leave to use the bathroom, get a bite to eat whatever but I want you back here at 10:00 sharp" I shoot a glace and Seamus. All the recruits rise from their seats and leave the room starting their own small conversations. I turn to look at Ron. "How am I doing I feel like I'm being a prick." I ask Ron. "Harry you're doing fine your Head Auror they need to respect you and me, but also know that this is serious shit that there getting themselves into. It's not for the weak of heart." Feeling better about myself I turn around and wave my hand summoning all the tests to me.

After everyone was back in the room I explained the practical test and split them into 4 groups of 2 each group performing a different test I performed the DADA test where recruits had to perform different hex's, curses and counter curses based on the description on a card then they had to duel me to satisfactory, of course no one beat me but there was one that peeked my interest; a Grayce Dovetail from Ravenclaw if remember right. Ron covered charms and two other Aurors covered transfiguration and potions. 

Overall, everyone passed the practical test, so I released them for lunch and told them to be back by 2oclock giving them a 2-hour lunch while Ron and I graded the written tests.

After about an hour Ron and I were done grading the tests and everyone passed but one person stood out from the rest Grayce Dovetail passed everything with flying colors. Ron and I used the remaining hour to pair the Recruits up with other Auror teams but since there were more recruits then active Aurors teams there would be an odd placement we didn't think much of it and decided to meet Hermione for lunch.

After lunch I called all the Recruits and Aurors into the training room so they could be placed in their teams. "You all with be happy to know that you all passed." There was an audible release of breaths of relief. "That was the easy part. Now the hard part is just beginning. I will call the Auror team, and they will step forward and then the Recruits that we have paired them with will go to their Auror team and stand out of the way by the wall. The pairing is final. So, there will be no flip flopping, you are a team alright, is everyone clear." I explain and when no questions are asked, I start calling names. "Aurors Johnson, Brown step forward" I start. I paired them with Neville and Kayla next was Smith and Joe who I paired with Eli, Hunter and Finley. Next Selich and Blake I paired with Rose and Seamus. There was one Recruit left "Grayce Dovetail" I spoke, and she stood from her seat, about to walk over to Selich and Blake, but I stopped her "You are with Ron and I, Dovetail" the girl stopped in her tracks and looked over at us. She almost looked like she wanted to object but thought better of it and walked over and stood next to us.

"Now your objectives for today will be to get to know your teammates, Aurors that goes for you too. Get to know one another because you be spending quite a bit of time together. Aurors you are responsible for your trainees. Note there actions and inactions both in and out of the field. Recruits, watch, learn and listen to your trainers, if there telling you to do something there is a reason. Lastly, again Aurors, I wish I did not have to say this, but I know you all too well at this point, No hazing the recruits. Thats all your dismissed" I finish, and they all make their way to their respective desks making small talk. 

Ron, Dovetail and I make our way to my office where I take a seat behind my desk and Ron moves his chair behind my desk as well, and Dovetail sits in the chair in front. Dovetail looks around the room but never makes eye contact with Ron or me. She seems a little timid, so I start talking "Well first off I know what I said earlier, but if you're in this office just call me Harry, I'm not normally that high strung but I needed to set an example." I spoke. "And you can call me Ron when were in the office."

She looked up finally making eye contact with us and seemed to visibly relax. She was a fairly attractive girl, 19 years old, slender build, light tan skin, deep royal blue eyes and seemingly long straight, light brown hair that she wore in a tight bun. "You can call me Grayce if you prefer while in the office that is" she said. "So, why did you single me out to be you partner, why not set me with one of the other groups" she asked. I gave a gentle smile and began to explain. "Well, your written test score was very impressive as was your practical test score heck you almost bested me in our duel, so I thought it fitting." She seemed to swell in pride at my words and we started talking and getting to know each other. 

At the end of the day all the Recruits went home and Ron and I stayed behind a bit to catch up on paperwork. "the recruits seem promising" said Ron. "Yea especially Grayce I have high hopes for her." I replied. We finished our paperwork and left for the Apparition zone and soon I was back home.

Ok so shorter chapter today but that is how the ball rolls some times. I'm currently on break from work so I have more time to write. Hope you guys like the Chapter, as always leave a comment and vote, Thanks.

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