Chapter 21: A Verry Merry Christmas

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24 December 1998

Christmas Eve Night

T'was the night before Christmas and all through the house, not a Kreacher was steering not even a mouse. The stockings were hung on the Chimney with care, with the hope that Sir. Nicholas soon would be there, but, not everything was as quiet as I said before because, in one room of this house, there was more than a snore the couple known as Hinny were having a ball as they were celebrating Christmas ahead of them all. Moaning and groaning, the bed hitting the wall but soon, very soon there will be silence for all. (Dont judge I thought this would be funny)

                                                                                             Harry P.O.V

Me and Ginny lay on the bed huffing trying to catch our breath. I looked at the clock that said 12:45. "Merry Christmas Gin," I said and kissed her lips. Ginny started giggling. "What's so funny," I asked, "Christmas came faster than I thought, but you sure didn't," she said cackling. I shook my head, wrapped my arms around her, and smirked. "That was so bad Gin," I say now also laughing. We lay there in bed, breathing in each other's scent, and soon we were asleep.

Christmas day

I wake up with Ginny in my arms, her beautiful red hair shimmering in the morning sun only makes her more gorgeous. I carefully get out of bed and walk downstairs. Kreacher appears from the kitchen and asks if I would like breakfast. I say I would and also ask him to make Ginny breakfast as well but put it on a bed tray. Kreacher bows and walks away back to the kitchen. "By the way Kreacher, Merry Christmas," I say. Kreacher bows "And a most Merry Christmas to you as well Master Harry," he says. I walk into the dining room and see Grayce also eating some breakfast. I wish her a Merry Christmas, she thanks me and wishes me a Merry Christmas as well. 

After about 20 minutes Kreacher has the food ready I quickly eat mine and bring the bed tray up to Ginny. I kiss her gently on her cheek and she sturs. "Ginny, Merry Christmas," I say kissing her lips this time. Her eyes flutter open and she sits up. "Merry Christmas love," she says rubbing the sleep from her eyes. I set the tray with food in front of her and her eyes widen. "Harry, You should have woke me up I would have had breakfast with you," she said I just laughed and told her it was not big deal and to eat. I sat at the foot of our bed and gave Ginny a foot massage while she ate her food.

After we finished we took a shower together and got ready to go to The Burrow as Mrs. Weasley told us to be there at noon sharp and she would not tolerate any Lateness. Ginny was excited to see her brother Charlie as he does not come around much. After all three of us were ready we were off.

We were 10 minutes early Percy and Gorge had yet to arrive, but Bill, Flur, Charlie, Ron, Hermione, Andromeda, and Teddy were there. Of course, Ron and Hermione were still living there so that was no surprise.

Once Ginny spotted Charlie she ran over and jumped in her brother's arms. They had not seen each other since a few days after Fred's funeral so it had been a while. Everyone was talking together waiting for the others. I was talking to Bill when Adromeda came over and asked to speak to me and Ginny privately. I agreed and led her over to the dining room while everyone was in the sitting room and waved Ginny to come over. Once she came over I cast a silencing charm so we could not be overheard. 

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