Chapter 5: A Visitor

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27 May 1998

*Harry's POV*

That was the best night of my life, I thought to myself. I looked over at Ginny who was still next to me undressed I move over and wrap my arms around her, our bare bodies pressed against each other. "Morning Lover Boy," she says Sleepily as nuzzles into my embrace. "Ginny last night was amazing, by the way, nice thinking using the Muffleato charm on the room everyone would have heard us otherwise; or more you," "haha very funny Mr. Potter,' said Ginny as I receive an elbow to the gut. We lay there for another hour enjoying each other's company until we heard Mrs, Weasley yell that breakfast was ready. We reluctantly get up from the bed and start finding our clothes that wound up scattered around the room.

*Ginny's POV*

Once we found our clothes we slipped them on and went down for breakfast. Once we got downstairs I noticed Hermione's devilish grin. My heart plummeted did my charm not work as well as I thought it would? Could she hear us? Harry seems not to have noticed. I sit down next to Hermione and across from Harry, as usual, Hermione nudged me and smirked at me. Yep, she knows and if she knows... my eyes darted to Ron who seemed like his normal poor-mannered self; joking with Harry and George. I calmed down a little at this thinking that even if Hermione knew she didn't tell my brother which reassured me.

After dinner, before I could get away to my horror, Hermione grabs my arm and drags me outside away from the house. When she deems it far enough away from listening ears including Extendable Ears she turns to me and says. "So you guys have fun last night?" "I don't know what you're talking about Hermione all we did was lay in bed and sleep," I said even though I knew she would not buy it. "Ha, Ginny I know the Muffleato charm when I hear it, I came to your room last night wanting to ask a question but your door was locked and I pressed my ear to the door and all I could hear was static, now I know you or Harry would not cast a Muffleato charm for the purpose of just sleeping," Hermione says. I look at her and then Groan and Spilled my guts about last night and probably said some things I should have kept to myself. When she seemed satisfied we walked back to the house.

*Harry's POV*

Today I was planning on telling Molly that was moving, I know she is not going to take it well, but it's something that I gotta do. It is Friday, Hermione, Ron and I start work at the Ministry on Monday. So if all go according to plan I would begin moving into Grimmauld place today or tomorrow and be ready on Monday for work. I walked up to Molly after she finished the dishes. "Mrs, Weasley, I was wondering if I could talk to you," "of course dear what is it," she said. I took a minute to gather my thoughts. "Well, Grimmauld Place is inhabitable now and I will be starting my job here soon. So ill be moving out of The Burrow, Ginny said that she would come over to babysit Teddy while I work, or I could bring him over sometimes but I just wanted to make sure it was ok with you." she looked like she was trying to keep her emotions in check but in the end, it was no use and she started to cry. "Ok Harry, if that is what you wanna do I will support you, just know that you and Teddy are always welcomed here and I'm sure Ginny will always have room for you in her room," she said with a smile at the end and she hugged me with one of her famous rib-cracking hugs. I hugged her back. Ginny and Hermione came in and watched as the scene played out. We parted and then Mrs, Weasley said, "but once a week you will be over for family dinner, no argument," I agreed and looked over at Ginny. "so when do you wanna start moving my stuff," I asked them.

We agreed after Lunch we would start moving stuff. "So 'Mione, what will you be doing at work at work," asked Mr. Weasley? "I mean I know what you are doing, but I don't know the specifics of what you will be doing other than making Harry's and Ron's life harder." This last part earned a slap on the arm from Mrs. Weasley. Hermione laughed it off and started on about house-elf rights, magical creatures' rights, and the treatment of muggles, etc during this ramble me and ginny went upstairs to get ready I put my belongings in boxes, truncks, bags anything that could hold something we used. Ginny had a sad look on her face so I asked her what was wrong. "It's just you leaving Harry and I'm scared, scared that I'm going to start having the dreams again, I wish I could come with you," she said. I hugged her and kissed her. "you will be alright love we will still see a lot of each other I mean you will be over almost every day, and beside your mum is making me come to family dinner at least once a week." She laughed and we continued to pack.

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