Chapter 24: Acting Minister for Magic

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31 December 1998

Kingsly P.O.V

I woke up in an unknown location with no recollection of how I got there. I got up from the bed that I found myself lying on and noticed I had shackles around my feet. So, this is their plan. Kidnap the Minister for Magic. Who knows what else goes along with this plane of theirs? But I have confidence in Harry and that is why I named him my successor should anything happen where I can't perform my duties. I look at the clock on the wall and see that it's 1130 I should be making a speech right now to usher in the new year. I walk around the room for a while when I hear a commotion outside the room I'm being kept in. The door bursts open and a man appears with a snake tattoo on his neck whom, thanks to Harry's hard work, I realize to be Pyrites. 

"You know minister you should be more careful when you appoint head Auror it's clear that Potter has no respect for you. My friend poised as you as trying to get him to speak to him as you and you would not believe the things he has said," Pyrites says. I chuckle, "If you believe that then you're more incompetent than you look. Harry and I have a special bond if you really think, Harry will fall for whatever plan you're skeeming you're sadly mistaken," I reply. Knowing Harry, he has probably realized that whoever is acting as me is not me.

I could hear more commotion from outside and Pyrites left to investigate. I looked around the room looking for any weakness. I can use wandless magic but not many know this the only people who do are Harry, Ron, and the Members of the Order. So if I wanted to I could escape but I wanna get as much information as possible from Pyrites. It was not long before pyrites burst back into the door. "It seems that Potter has discovered that it was an imposter and has sounded the alarm, but no matter this works well for us as the man who will be acting Minister is easily controlled," Pyrites says was a sneer and an evil smile he turns to leave. "Would not count on it," I say as he slams the door shut behind him. He will not gonna be happy when he realizes that Harry is the Minister.

I look around the room and notice that it is now 11:59. I watch the clock and the moment it strikes 12:00 I feel the power of Minister being stripped from me. Harry has taken the mantle. I smile and sit on the bed. "Happy New Year Minister Potter," I say to no one but me.

Harry P.O.V 

Mid-Night  1 January 1999

I look at the Aurors in front of me who are waiting for an order on how to respond. I turn to my left and look at Grayce. " Acting Head Auror Grayce Dovetail is there something you'd like to ask me maybe seek my permission," I ask Grayce. "Oh yeah," she clears her throat. "I would like to seek your permission Minister to activate Emergency Protocol 2.247-8 and temporarily upgrade all Recruit Aurors still in training to the status of Full Auror," she says. "I nod my head "As Minister I grant you permission to activate the Emergency Protocol." Grayce then turns to the Aurors. "By the power granted to me by the Minister of Magic, I hereby activate Emergency Protocol 2.247-8 and Temporarily upgrade all Recruits to the status of full Auror. I also Activate all off-duty able-body Aurors to respond in our time of need." Grayce states. I turn to the group as well and hold out my hands. "As Minister, I activate the Emergency Response Group code-named Phoenix," I say and a glow forms in my hands and shoots through the ceiling and into the sky displaying a large Phoenix to alert The Order of the Phoenix to form and Reunite. 

There was a sudden pounding on the door to the room and all the Aurors formed a wall on the door some came to stand in front of Me and Ginny. One Auror waved their wand in front of the door. "It seems to be Deputy Head Auror Weasley sir," one of the Auros called. "Ask him what his emotional range is, if he does not understand blast him to next week," The Auror opens the door slightly and asks the question after a second the Auror shuts it again and says, "Um, a teaspoon, sir," I smile. "Let him in." They open the door to allow Ron inside. "Harry, Ginny. What the Bloody Hell is going on, I got here as fast as I could once I heard the message but its a mad house out there," Ron said out of breath. I explain to Ron everything going on and the situation. "Bloody Hell mate," He says exasperated. "Yeah, You are now Acting Head Auror and unless you choose someone else, Grayce is your Deputy she has already activated the Emergency Protocol and I have activated the Order. "No, no Grayce will stay my Deputy I trust her and so do you," Ron says. "Ok, first order of business is to get to an Order safe house protected by the Fedlius Charm. From there we can start working on a plan," I say. "We can use my Aunt Muriel's old house," Ron suggested. "Good let's go there," I say.

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