Chapter 22: The Nersery

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26 December 1998

Ginny P.O.V

We woke up the day after Christmas and were having breakfast and discussed what room Teddy would have. We decided on the room in between Harry's and mine room and Grayce's. Grayce was really excited for Teddy to stay with us, as she took a real liking to him during Christmas. We set off to clean out the room. The room was clean before but still had the old furniture in it. We decided to just trash it and be done with it. 

After we cleared everything from the room Harry left to go get some paint for the room. We still had some primer from when we did Grayce's room so Grace and I started applying the primer. "Hey, Ginny," Grayce started, and I looked over at her. "If Teddy's dad was a werewolf why isn't Teddy a werewolf," She asked. I think on it for a minute, "I never really thought of it before, maybe Harry might know," I reply. We continue painting the room and Grayce asks another question. "What if he was a werewolf," she asks. I turn to look at her. "Then Harry and I would love him just the same. It's like Harry told you why should we be less caring to people who suffer from something that is out of their control," I say with a smile. We return to painting and soon we are finished. "Hey I never asked and I'm sorry but how was your last transformation," I ask Grayce. She just shrugged and said "The same as always I guess but honestly actually now that I think about it I was not as painful or as tiring as it used to be. Don't get me wrong it's still very tiresome but I learned something the night I escaped. The night I escaped I didn't fear the change I welcomed it because I knew I was gonna be free from the torture one way or the other so instead of fighting the transformation I embraced it and just let it happen, and I did the same thing the last time it seems to help along with the Wolfsbane of course," she explains. We sit and talk about this new information and what it could mean among other things when the door opens and I see Harry walk in. 

"Hey love, did you find any paint you liked," I asked kissing him on the cheek. Yeah actually, and I think you'll love it as well as Teddy. It's an enchanted paint that will change color to whatever the occupant of the room desires, it also can produce really cool murals and stuff like that I saw a demo of it and thought it would be perfect for Teddy, you know because of the hair changing colors and everything," he says. I smiled and nodded my head "Sounds amazing love, Grayce and I primed the room so it should be ready in a little while. would you like some lunch," I state. suddenly Kreacher and his daughter Rismey come out of nowhere shouting "We'll get lunch started," I shake my head and smile at Kreacher and his daughter as they run into the kitchen. I would never have thought it when I first met him but Kreacher has turned into an amazing house elf, pleasant to be around, even if his looks are a bit unsettling, and a doting father.

After lunch, Harry, Grayce, and I started painting the walls in Teddy's room. The paint would glow in multiple colors until it settled on a color for each of us on each wall Harry's paint was red but not just any red it was like a mix of my hair and Gryffindor red. Grayce's was like a midnight blue probably due to her love of star gazing. Mine was Emerald Green that matched Harry's eyes. Grayce and I did one wall each. Harry did his wall as well as the wall the door was on as I was too short to paint above the door.

After the painting was done we sat in the sitting room chatting. "Oh, Harry weren't you going to start that dueling club at Hogwarts like last October," I asked. "Yeah, that was the original plane but after Grayce got taken I didn't have time, and neither did any of the other Aurors we were all focused on finding Grayce. So, I talked to Minerva and we agreed that we would start it after Christmas break after things calmed down," Harry explained. 

After relaxing for a bit Harry and I decided to head to Diagon Alley to find some stuff for the nursery. Grayce had decided to stay home she said she was a little tired and was probably gonna take a nap. So, it was just gonna be the two of us. As we got ready to leave I pulled on my dragon hide cloak I got from my brother Charlie for Christmas he also gave me a pair of Dragon hide gloves and boots which I slipped on. Dragon hide turns out, has a special property that keeps its wearer warm no matter how cold it is outside and it works better if you wear a set made from the same dragon. Not really sure how it works but who am I to question it? Harry also got a cloak, gloves, and boots from Charlie his was made from the hide of a Hungarian Horntail named Védő Hungarian word for Protector (Pronounced VEE-DOOr)while mine was made from a Ukrainian Ironbelly named Krykhitka Ukrainian word for Little one (Pronounced Cry-hit-ka) who Charlie says were the best of friends and mates before they passed away. It was kind of a sweet story and jerked tears from my eyes. 

Charlie had said from what he was told they both hatched on the same day and from that day onward they were practically always together. Charlie also said that the Iron belly was always somewhat small for a dragon and the other dragons used to pick on her, but the Hungarian Horntail always defended her sending the other dragons running or flying away. They spent their life together from an early age and had three children, Two of them were male Hungarian Horntails like their father and one was a female Ukrainian Ironback like her mother They died just last year only hours apart. When Krykhitka passed away, Védő stood by her side and would not let any other dragons near her or any of the keepers. Even though he was old and weak, he still had enough strength and respect in the colony to warn any other dragons away. He passed away 4 hours later lying next to his lifelong best friend and mate. 

After we got our cloaks and everything on we headed out and apperated to the ally. Once we arrived we started going to every baby shop we could find and soon we had everything we needed. We stopped by Fred and Gorge's shop to say Hi and see how everything was going. Once we arrived the place was jam-packed with Hogwarts students and pre-Hogwarts children. Apparently Fred, Gorge, and Lee were having a Day after Christmas sale and everyone wanted to take advantage of the sale. We walked around and soon spotted Fred's larger then life portrait that was on the upper floor and gave him an excellent view of the whole shop. He quickly waved at us and turned back to talking to a customer. As we walked around some more was eventually found Gorge, or maybe he found us. Either way, he walked over to us and gave Harry the biggest hug that Mum would be proud of.

"Harry I can't even begin to explain to you how great it is to have my brother in the shop again I can't thank you enough truly," he exclaimed. Harry scratched the back of his neck and like the modest gentleman, he insisted that it was nothing. After talking to Gorge for a while we left and headed back to Grimmauld place.

Upon arriving back home we set out to place all the furniture in Teddy's room. Once Harry walks in the walls turn the same color red and earlier but this time they don't change as we walk in. Turns out Harry looked at the instructions and found a spell that only allows the walls to change for the 1st person to walk in the room. He all so found another spell that would allow the walls to change only for a certain person who would be Teddy later. 

Once we finished putting all the furnishings into the room we were all beat down and tired so we decided to turn in for the night. I lay in bed with Harry's arm wrapped around me and my face barrier in the space between his neck and shoulder breathing in his intoxicating scent. "I hope Teddy like his room," Harry says with a bit of worry in his voice. "Harry Teddy with love it i just know it there is no need to worry your self over somthing like that," I say. After some time I find my self asleep.

Smaller chapter but I wanted to get the nersery done so here it is. Hope you like it and I also hope you liked the little Dragon love story thanks everyone.

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