Chapter 12 The Open House

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                                                                             Monday August 26 1998

                                                                                      Harry POV

Me and Ginny were relaxing in the sitting room when a Hogwarts Owl Flew threw the open window with a letter in its mouth. I took the letter an Ginny gave the owl a treat before it flew back threw the window. Looking at letter I noticed it had the Hogwarts wax seal and on the back it was addressed to My self and Ginny. I wave her over so she could also read the letter that Read

                                Dear Mr. Harry Potter and Miss Ginerva Weasley I hope the letter find you well. I would like to inform you that the repair of Hogwarts Castle has been completed. It is with Great pride that I say that Hogwarts will be able to open its doors to students this coming school year but befor that happens I would like to host a Open house to Students and Familys of students who wish to look around the school grounds and ask me any questions they so desire. Also I would like to take this time to unvale the Memorial to all those who fought for and died for the safty of the school and its students as well as a new extension of the school. It is my Honor and Privilege to Invite you Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry for this open house on Friday August 28, 1998 at 12:00pm. Please respond via Owl ASAP 

                                                                                     Yours Gratefully,                                                                                                                                                                         Minerva McGonagall                                                                                                                                 Head Mistress of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry 

  I look at Ginny and she looks at me. "Well it looks like were going back to Hogwarts," I say. She agrees and I write out a response and call Livia over. She fly's to my shoulder and I hand her the letter and she takes off threw the window. Following that I walked of to Ginny and wraped my arms around her from behind trailing little kisses and nips down her neck. "Hmmmm... your playing a dangerous game there Harry," she says and she melts into me. I smile into her and stop before things get out of control. "Would you like to go to Diagon Ally with me, I need to get some robes for the Wizengamot as well as for court hearing as well as some other stuff," I asked Ginny? She agreed and we got ready to go. Once we got to Diagon Ally we went to Madam Malkin's I explaned that I need robes for the Wizengamot and that they need to have the Potter Family Crest on it as well as some dress robes for court appearances also with the crest. After she sized me and told me that they would be ready in a few hours and me and Ginny left to shop around more. We got some ice cream and some treats for Livia and me and ginny both got new broom care kits. We were just walking into Flourish and Blotts when we got surrounded by reporters. They were asking questions and taking pictures but the strange thing was they were not directed to me as much as normal, but more so to Ginny. "Ginny we receved reports that you were drafted as a chaser into the Holyhead Harpies, is this true?" Ginny dose you dateing Harry Potter have anything to do with you getting drafted on the team?" Ginny, how do you feel about this coming season?" and they kept coming I looked over to Ginny the Red on her face could challenge even her hair and I could tell she was not comfortable. "Sonorus!" I yelled and everyone fell silent. I looked to Ginny and asked if she was comfortable answering questions. she shook her head and in one fell movement a pulled the invisibility cloak out and we vanished. I pulled her to the side and we ducked into Flourish and Blotts.

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