Chapter 19: Where it happened

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                                                                   9 November 1998

                                                                     Harry P.O.V

I took Friday off of work as well. Ron can handle things in the office while me and Ginny care for Grayce. Ginny had to go to practice on Friday so it was just us two. Grayce has been improving but still would rather me or Ginny be close though she prefers me. 

Today she agreed to try and go back to work, luckily we work together so she will be comfortable. I told Ron to tell the other Aurors to not crowd her when we come in today as I'm not sure she is ready for all the attention. 

I woke up this morning between the two girls who both had their arms wrapped around me and their heads on my chest. It was weird at first to have two girls in bed but I got used to it. I looked over to see the time and noticed it was time for us to get ready for work. I gently prodded Grayce to not scare her and she woke up easily enough. "It's time to get ready for work," I say. "You sure you are up for it," She rubbed the sleep from her eyes and nodded her head. I then woke Ginny up and together we got dressed and ready for the day.

We all ate breakfast and soon it was time for Grayce and I to go to work. I kissed Ginny goodbye and Grayce hugged her and we Flooed to the Ministry. Once we got there I cursed myself for not just flooing to the Office because as usual there were a lot of people in the atrium and Grayce stayed very close to me keeping her hand latched onto my cloak so she would not lose me.

Once we got to the Auror Department I noticed a lot of eyes staring at us but no one came up to us, thankfully. We walked into Ron, Grayce and I's office where Grayce let out a long breath. We walked to our desks and started working.

Grayce could not tell me how many people were at the place she was held exactly but said probably around 30 based on her experience there. She also said that she killed at least 2 probably more when she transformed as there were two people in the cell when she changed. She could not say where the location was but said that she could smell a lot of Pine trees and when she woke up from the night's events she was in a pine forest.

After discovering that Pyrites was a megamophmagus things about the case made more sense, but we were no closer to finding him than we were before. Grayce filled us in about his history that he was an orphan and all that, and he wants to finish what Tom Riddle started. We looked through files about orphaned Wizards that attended Hogwarts and were megamorphmagusi and after some digging, we managed to find him. His real name is Jasper Codde. He is a gifted megamorphmagus but his spell-casting leaves some to be desired. He was known in Hogwarts for changing his looks and gender to sneak into the female dorms and spy on them. How he got into Hufflepull is beyond me. 

After his years at Hogwarts, he vanished it was believed that he was killed or moved to a different country but now we realize that he just changed his face and it seems he does not keep the same face and name for very long. We surmise that he chose the name Pyrites after the mineral Pyrite or fool gold as this mineral looks a lot like real gold but it is fake. 

"How the bloody hell are we going to catch this monster," exclaims Ron. "We don't know what he will look like at any given time or where he is going to be. The only thing we do know is he has a snake tattoo on his neck, has it out for muggles and muggle-borns and anyone who was raised muggle and he wants to finish what Riddle started." I shake my head and look at the file and notes on my desk. "I don't know Ron, but there has to be a way," I reply. We continue to look over files and note for any clue as to where be might be. 

We decided to eat lunch in the office. Ron went to get the food from the restaurant and brought it back to the office. While we ate I thought of an idea but I was not sure if I should ask as it might upset Grayce. As I ponder on the idea, Grayce walks up to me. "I can see you thinking and looking at me so I can tell you want to ask me something. So, just go ahead and ask don't worry," she says. I smile at her but it quickly fades. I take a deep breath and ask the question. "I was thinking if you could take Ron, and me as well as two other Aurors to that forest you woke up in that maybe we could find some clues from the surrounding area," I explain 

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