Chapter 20: Last day of work and Christmas Shopping

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15 December, 1998

Harry P.O.V

Today was the last day before the Ministry went on Christmas break until the 5th of January. It was also the Ministry's annual Christmas party. So, not much work was getting done. We at the Auror Department decided to do a Mystery Santa, everyone was given a name near the end of November and had to try to buy something that person would like, all while not letting the person know they were their Mystery Santa. I was Neville's Mystery Santa and had decided to get him a Moly plant. I sat in our office waiting for Neville to arrive and sit in his working space with his partners. Once he does I flick my wand at the gift and it disappears only to reappear on Neville's desk. He Jumps a bit but recovers and starts to unwrap the package. Once he sees the Moly plant he smiles wide and looks around for who could have gifted it to him.

I'm just putting the finishing touches on a case so we can put it to bed when a gift pops up on my desk startling me. I look at it for a minute then unwrap the gift. I am surprised when I see a Sneakoscope, I take it out and set it on my desk but it does not do anything (thankfully). I place the Sneakoscope on the corner of my desk and return to my work smiling.

Ron ended up getting a box of chocolate frogs. When it came close to the end of the day I had all the Aurors and Recruits gather for a little speech I had prepared. When everyone has gathered I start my speech.

"Another year is about to be put to bed. When we all come back it will be 1999. I want to thank you all for your dedication determination and sacrifices that you have all made over this past year whether it be missing a birthday, a child's quidditch match, or as simple as putting in extra hours at work you have all sacrificed something. The world is a lot safer now than it was this time last year. Since the downfall of Voldemort, we have locked up and imprisoned over 60 Death eaters, but there are still dark wizards and witches out there who will not let go of their misguided ideals. Over this Holiday break, I want you all to relax and enjoy the holidays with your loved ones, but as a good friend and mentor once told me keep consent vigilance. Again I want to thank you all for everything you have done this year and to that end as a holiday gift from myself and Ron we have secured a holiday bonus for all of you Aurors you will receive 68 Galleons for your bonus and Recruits I have not overlooked your dedication and hard work as we have also secured a 34 Galleon holiday bonus for you..." at this everyone is brimming with smiles and starting conversations about what they will do with the extra money. I raise my hands to quiet everyone down gain. "...Yes I know you are all excited. I just want to say one last thing before we leave for the holidays. Thank you again for everything you do the wizarding world would not be as peaceful as it is today if it were not for each and every one of you. Please give my thanks to your families as well as I know that they sacrifice just as much if not more. With that said I expect everyone to be well-rested and ready for work on the 5th so we can make 1999 an even safer year. Have an amazing Holiday and I will see you all next year if not at the Ministry New Year's party," I finish, and the room erupts in a round of applause with people hugging each other and wishing each other Merry Christmas.

After a few minutes, everyone starts to make their way home, Ron comes over to me and claps me on the back. "That was a brilliant speech mate," Ron praised. "Thanks" I reply with a red tint to my face at the compliment. "Well I'm gonna head home, Hermione is probably already waiting for me," Ron says and I nod and say that Ginny is waiting for me too. Ron walks to the Fireplace and in a flash of green flames, he's gone. Grayce and I walked into the Fireplace and Floo'd back home as well. 

When we arrive home I remove my cloak and set it on the hanger. "Gin," I call. "In the kitchen love," she called back. I walk into the kitchen wrap my arms around her waist and start planting little kisses on her neck. "Harry," she warns. "Hmm," I respond now nibbling on her ear lobe. (her week spot) "You are playing a dangerous game," she says. "Good dangerous or bad dangerous," I respond slipping one hand up the front of her shirt and playing with her waistband with the other. She spins around and kisses me hard and deep full of passion. I lift her up on the counter and she starts to play with my belt. buckle trying to undo it.

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