Chapter 1: Aftermath

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*Ginny's POV*

I watch harry walk to Tonks and Remus's bodies, I don't wanna take my eyes off him because I'm afraid he will disappear. Mum says my name and I reluctantly tear my eyes away to comfort her. She is crying a lot, I wanna cry but I gotta stay strong for her; I can't cry I look over towards Tonks and Remus's bodies but I don't see Harry I look around frantically with my eyes trying to get sight of him. I can finally breathe when I see him on a bench talking to Luna. I check every once and a while to make sure he is still there, Hagrid comes over with tears in his eyes and blocks my view of harry I try to convince myself that he will still be there when he leaves Hagrid stayed and talked to my dad and brother George for about 20 minutes I almost lost my mind not knowing if he was still there or not when Hagrid left Harry was gone.

*Harry's POV*

"I've had enough trouble for a lifetime," I said Walking out of the Headmaster's... no Headmistresses's office I tell my friends Ron and Hermione that I'm long overdue for a peaceful night's sleep not inside a tent I slip the invisibility cloak on, and make my way to the Gryffindor tower. When I get to the portrait it hits me, I don't know the password. I think for a second and walk up, "um I don't know the password to get in but I could really use sleep in an actual bed", I tell the Fat Lady, she looks at me and to my overwhelming relief she tells me "Anything for you dear". I walk into the Gryffindor common room and fall to my knees and start crying. I can't believe they're all gone and it's all because of me, Remus, Tonks, Fred, Mad-Eye, all of them. Remus was my last tie to my dad I had left, and all of a sudden I thought of Teddy he would grow up without a mother or father, and that is my fault as well. A sting rang threw my chest where Volamorts Cures struck me.

About five minutes go by I manage to pick myself up off the ground and drag myself up the boys' dorm steps and into the 7th years' boys room a the very top. It felt like home, the elves even kept my bed ready for me in the hope I returned, I walked to my four-post bed silently, tears falling from my eyes, and I fall on the bed instantly falling asleep.

*Ginny's POV*

I look around searching for Harry with my eyes, he is nowhere to be seen. I see my brother Ron and Hermione walk into the Great Hall arms around each other. I get up and run towards Ron, I almost tackle him when I get to him. "Where is Harry", I say through my gasps for air, Ron looks at Hermione as if wondering if he should tell me. "Ronald  you stupid git if you don't tell me where Harry is right this instant I will bat-boogie hex you, I'm not playing." Ron and Hermione back up a step and finally, as I feel the hex forming on my lips when Ron tells me he went to the dorm room to sleep. "There was that so hard," I tell Ron as I run past him towards Gryffindor tower.

When I get to the portrait the fat lady swings open without a password and I run up the stairs to the boys' dormitory up to the 7th year dorm room and to my relief I find him sprawled out on his four-post bed, looking like he couldn't even make it in bed before he passed out I smile and stare at him for a minute I walk up to him and swing his feet onto the bed careful not to wake him. I take his shoes off and find another blanket to cover him up with. Then I grab another blanket and a pillow and lay down on the floor next to his bed while I lay there I feel myself dozing off to sleep and right before I pass out I catch a scent of forest, musk, and something sweet, and then all is dark.

*Ron's POV*

"Gez what do you think got into her 'Mione," I ask only to be assaulted by books "HOW CAN YOU BE SO STUPID RONALD WEASLEY?!" she says while hitting me. "Geez, what did I do," I ask. "Hm I don't know what could be wrong with your sister she has only been in love with Harry for the past seven years and then she has just seen him rise from the dead and kill Voldemort. What do you think Ron, she is probably in shock and still does not believe it is really Harry. She probably thinks if she leaves his side he will disappear forever" she says sounding rather upset with me. "Oh" I respond "well as long as they're not up there snogging away or shagging" I say that last part just as I'm hit will another wave of books. "You complete Arse Ronald Weasley" shrieks Hermione, as she hits me hard in the face with a book and all goes black.

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