Chapter 2: Tears

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*Ginny's POV*

The next morning I woke up to Harry's Scent I love it, it seems to intoxicate me. The smell of Forest, Musk, and something sweet; which I have decided had something to do with his love of  Treacle Tart. I inhale deeply, trying to figure out what that sweet smell is, but it is no use. I nuzzle into Harry's warmth feeling warm and safe. I must have woken him because then came a deep sigh and Harry's voice saying "good morning Gin, are you trying to where my skin". I blush madly and apologize, He just laughs it off. I find myself tracing Harry's scars on his chest again thinking to myself that, they're actually very sexy on him I blush harder at the thought. I look up at Harry who is looking down at me with his Green eyes full of love, I look at the scar on his forehead the one he has had since he was a baby. "How's your scar has it hurt at all since..." I trail off. He shook his head and kissed me. We got up got dressed, and walked downstairs for breakfast.

Mum had breakfast ready and waiting when we got down there normally mum asked me or Hermione to help with the food, I wonder why she didn't this time I choose not to question her about it and sat down to eat next to harry. I placed my hand on Harry's inner thigh, which caused him to jump and blush, He looked at me wide-eyed and whispered "you're playing a dangerous game Ms. Weasley" and kissed the top of my head at this time he ran his foot up my leg this caused me to jump and release a small yelp, mom looked at me and I said I almost dropped my fork to make it less suspicious. When she turned around I elbowed Harry he just smiled and I took my hand away to eat with my family.

Breakfast was the same as usual besides the madness the twins usually brought about, except mum bearly sat and ate anything she kept busy all threw breakfast. she was the same throughout the day, would not stop to rest, whenever someone would offer to help she would shoo them away. I think it's because of Fred's death she is trying to keep herself busy so she doesn't have to think about it so much. This went on for the next few days until May 25th the day of Fred's funeral. She would not get out of bed she spent the whole day in bed crying. I couldn't blame her. Harry and I cooked Breakfast and Lunch for the rest of the family, Harry is actually a really good cook; I could get used to this. When 4 o'clock came we were all ready to go to the cemetery where Fred would be laid to rest. Mum came downstairs dressed and ready. She put her strong mum face on for us but I knew on the inside she was a mess. We all went to the Apperateing spot and one by one apparated to the cemetery. When it was our turn I took Harry's arm and he turned on the spot with a loud POP.

*Harry's POV*

We arrived at the cemetery and I was surprised at how many people were there. I always thought there would be a lot here but this must be half the wizarding world here. I walked with Ginny, arms linked together. We go around talking to friends, family, and people who I never saw before turns out Fred and George are very popular in Diagon ally. I see George over by his brother's Casket it looks like he is talking to it trying not to cry. I continue talking to friends of the family and people from school trying to give George his privacy. after about twenty minutes the Wizard Priest called everyone to order. we walked over and took our sets Ginny went to sit with her family and I was about to sit when Mrs. Weasley grabbed my hand and pulled me with her to the family seating where I sat next to Ginny and her; she said was just as much part of this family as ginny and Ron.

At the end of the speeches, and everything was said and done all the remaining members of the order stood off to the side and cast balls of light into the air similar to the Muggles 21 gun salute while the rest of us raised our wands in solidarity. After they had finished the crowd started thinning, Ginny and I went over to a nearby oak tree and talked by ourselves. After about five minutes I looked over and saw George on his knees at his brother's grave sobbing into the loose dirt, wanting to give him time to himself I grab Ginny's hand and turn on the spot with a loud POP and went home.

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