Chapter 6: The First Day

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*Harry's POV*

The next morning Ginny and I are laying in bed with her hand on my chest. "Do you have to go on the raid Harry can't you just stay with me," Ginny says? I sigh, "Ginny I thought you were ok with me working as an Auror." "I am, I know it sounds silly but, I'm scared, I'm scared you are gonna get hurt," Ginny says. "I'll have Ron with me. He has my back and I have his, just like it's always been Gin," I said as I rubbed her back to comfort her. She nuzzles into me and a single tear escapes from her eyes. I look at my watch it read 5:30 the briefing starts at 6:00 I make to get up and ready but Ginny tackles me and starts to kiss me we stay like that for a while and then a knock came at the door and Ron's voice said, "Hey, mate time to get up, Ginny stop Snogging my best friend so we can get to work." Ginny threw a pillow at the door even though he didn't come in. "At least he knocked this time," I said. "Yea only cuz we are in your house and he can't do anything about it," Ginny laughed. I got up and got my clothes on. Kingsley anticipated our answer and brought our uniforms last night. Mom was Furious at me for becoming a Auror. "Harry James Potter, You're too young to be a Auror. You're not experienced enough," she would say and I would spot Ginny smiling and nodding her head when she did not think I was looking. Meanwhile, dad was over the moon and trying to calm Mum. "Lily Flower," my dad said come on love, Harry probably has more experience with dark witches and wizards than half the Aurors, I mean he killed Voldemort! No one was able to do that; not even Albus. Plus Ron is his partner and best friend for the last 7 years." Mum wanted nothing of it. After I got dressed and fought off ginny, Mrs. Weasley and mum though they were doing everything in their power to stop me, and I walked downstairs.

When I finally made it downstairs with Ginny following with a playful pout, Ron was waiting in his uniform and Hermione in her work clothes she wanted to get there early so she could get all the paperwork out of the way. Ron looked at me and said, why did you get the cool uniform and I got this gray uniform," said Ron with a little fire in his voice." "Oh hush Ronald I happen to think you look very dashing in your uniform," said Hermione. Ron's face went red, "I guess it's not that bad," he said.

We quickly had breakfast and started saying our good buys to the rest Ginny come up to me and says with contempt, "if you don't come back to me safe I swear to Merlin, I'll curse you myself," she pecks me lovingly on the cheek and says "off you go." I smile back meekly, "make that double", shouts mum and Mrs. Weasly at once. "Go kick some ass son show what Potters are made of," my dad says with a glowing smile. "Love you all," I call out and step into the fireplace with my pinch of floo powder, and say "Ministry."

When we got to the Ministry Hermione kissed Ron and me on the cheek and told us to be safe. Ron and I made our way to the briefing room with 5 minutes to spare. "Ah Potter, Weasley, good, good everybody is here and we can begin," said Kingsley. "As you are aware, we had a Death Eater sighting and attempted murder this past Thursday. As of yesterday, we have found what we believe to be the hideout of these Death Eaters. Based on observations and information we have been able to uncover we believe three or more Muggles are being held captive and possibly tortured; they could even be dead right now." I had a lump form in my throat, more people are getting hurt because of me, how many more would need to suffer? "We also believe the death eater know only as "Pyrite" is calling the shots from this location." with a flick of his wand Kingsley displayed an overview of the area, an area that looks vaguely familiar to me. "We will be apparating in 4 groups each group coming from each direction. Johnson you and Brown will be landing here in this park south of the location. Smith, you and Joe will come in from the east side and land at the Dinner. Potter, you and Weasley will come from the north and land at this bus stop. Vargus, you and I will be coming from the west. Harry looked at it the map this was familiar somehow like he seems to have been there before, he looked at each landmark then it hit him like a train. Kingsley spoke again, "the address for the raid is Number 4. Privet Drive, Little Whinging. Surrey."

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