Chapter 3: The Minister and The Portait

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\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\1 Week Later///////////////////////

*Harry's POV*

I was woken that morning by a screaming Teddy. When I tried to get up Ginny pushed me back into the bed, "I'll get him this time, you took care of him the last two nights; besides I gotta use the bathroom" she said. I nodded and put my head on the pillow, but after a little while, I heard the screaming getting louder. I got up and walked to the door, and went next door to where Ginny was with Teddy; who seemed to be in a right foul mood. "I can't seem to get him to calm down harry I have tried everything I think he just wants you, Harry", says Ginny. I pick up the Distressed toddler and ginny gets out of the rocking chair. I sit down and shush him soothingly. "I changed him, tried giving him a bottle and he just would not stop crying Harry I didn't know what to do; I thought there was something wrong," she said. "He could sense you were stressed or upset you have to stay calm with him, he feds off your emotions Gin", I said. Do you wanna try and hold him again"I asked. She nodded eagerly. "Ok just stay calm ok to panic, just hold him," I tell her and pass Teddy off to Ginny. She holds him and he squeals a little bit in his sleep. Ginny smiles and coos at him, then puts him down back in his crib, and we head back to sleep.

*Ginny's POV*

That morning mum cooked a big breakfast because, Harry, Ron, Hermione, and I were probably not going to be home till about 6 o'clock that night we had planned' to go to Sirius's old house at Grimmauld place and clean it up hopefully make it liveable and get ride of that ghastly portrait of Sirius's mum.

As we ate breakfast, mum asked why we were going to Grimmauld place in the first place. Harry was the first to speak. "well, I figured since I have Teddy and I am an adult now, I need to get out on my own more and start my own life stop relying on other people so much, not that I don't Appreciate everything to have done for me the past 7 years Mrs. Weasley, I just think its time for me to set out on my own." Mum didn't miss a beat before you knew it she was saying "It's no problem dear, we love having you and Teddy here you guys both bring so much happiness to this house it would be a shame to see you go; besides you don't even have a job yet." Suddenly, almost as if waiting for his queue there was a knock on the door Mr. Weasley went to answer. "Kingsley! how wonderful it is to see you", we hear from the other room. "nice to see you to Arthur, I was wondering if I might Speak to Harry, Ron, and Hermione for a moment please", says Kingsley, who has since been appointed Minister since the fall of Voldemort. "certainly I will bring them out". Upon hearing their name's Harry, Ron and Hermione were already out of their seat heading towards the other room.

*Harry's POV*

We walked outside to meet with Kingsley the newly appointed Minister of Magic. He has made a lot of changes to the Ministery, Wich is exactly what the Ministry needed. Upon seeing us Kingsley held out his hand to which we all eagerly shook. Kingsley was not like Rufus Scrimgeour we knew and tristed Kingsley and knew he would not ask me to be the Ministries Cheerleader. "what brings you all the way out here Minister" I asked. "You three actually," he said. "Are we in trouble because we have been apparating without a license for the past year", ask Ron? Kingsley chuckled and said "no, but that reminds me here are your license", and he takes two cards out of his handbag and gives them to both me and Ron and continues "just don't be getting yourselves splinched" he said. Ron smiled Feebaly at the reminder. "Now on to the real reason I'm here. We at the Ministry would like to recognize everything you have done for the Wizarding World and I'm pleased to present you 3 with the Order of Merlin 1st class award and would like to offer you three positions at the ministry." Ron, Hermione, and I each looked at each other in shock and skepticism. Even though we know and trust Kingsley it seemed like a long shot for the Ministry to just hand out job positions to 3 teenagers who have not even finished school; albite we did defeat the most powerful dark wizard of all time, but still, it seemed too good to be true. Then Hermione Spoke. "Sir, what about our schooling and our required NEWTs." Kingsley smiled, "we are prepared to wave your last year at Hogwarts with full marks if you are willing to join us at the Ministry," he said. It was my turn to talk. "and what is in it for the Ministry? No offense Kingsley but we have not had a very good history with the Ministry in the past who is to say I won't be a "cheerleader" for the Ministry." Kingsley looked at me and smiled "always the suspicious one aren't you Potter, just like your Father. Well since you mentioned it there is one Condition on you guys joining the Ministry." Says Kingsley. Moans could be heard from each of us. "It's nothing bad, I promise. I would just ask that you guys help me turn the Ministry into something the People could believe in, something the people could trust. I wanna revolutionize it and evolve the Ministry into a really good place to be." We each look at each other stunned, unknowing whether they should believe it. "And what would we be doing," asked, Hermione. Kingsley looks as if he had been waiting for someone to ask that very question. He took folders out of his bag, while handing them to each of us he says, "Hermione I am pleased to offer you a place in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, as my go-to girl you would be helping right up and pass laws to help Wizards and Witches alike but also Muggles, near-human species and other Magical creatures, in fact, there is a file on my desk about the Treatment of House-elves I hoped very much you would help me look at and pass." Hermione looked ecstatic like she just got a outstanding in all of her NEWTs. She nodded her head in agreement and tears started to form in the corner of her eyes. "Glad to hear that," said Kingsley. "Now, Harry and Ron, we would like to offer you a Positon as Aurors, There are still Death eaters that are at large who escaped from The Battle of Hogwarts, and we could sure use your help in tracking them down, also since you two have more experience in the Dark arts and hunting death eaters than a number of our staff we are allowing you to skip the three-year training class you will be full fledge Aurors the day you start and able to take on assignments." Ron and I look at each other "can we have a few days to think about it and get back to you on that sir", I asked. He told us it was no problem and that he would expect our owl by Friday. He told Hermione he would see her the following Monday for her first day of work. We all shook hands and with a loud POP Kingsley was gone.

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