Chapter 26: Trial of Cormac

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The week passed relatively fast though Harry thought his last day of bed rest would never end. After that, Harry was able to move around freely and help Ginny around the house and with Teddy. Teddy is 8 months old now and has recently started pulling himself up in a standing position by pulling on their hands or chairs. He has tried to walk but would fall on his but and giggle. The first time he tried this he fell and bumped his head on the coffee table causing him to cry. Ginny was convinced that it scared him more than hurt him, but since then Harry had placed cushioning charms on everything in the house that little Teddy could hit his head on. It turns out to have been a good idea because he seems to bump into walls a lot when crawling. Another thing Teddy has been doing is testing sounds whenever he hears Livia's hoot he tries to mimic it. He has yet to say any words but he will eventually. Moony is Teddy's Favorite thing ever and takes it everywhere with him. Another thing he really likes is his baby blanket and he will refuse to sleep if he does not have both. Teddy has also recently started teething so Ron bought him a Teething ring saying it helped Ginny when she was a baby.

Monday, 11 January 1999

Harry P.O.V

I was walking to the Minister's office a little disappointed. I was planning on working from my Auror Office even though I was Acting Minister as It would give me the ability to keep up to date with my Aurors and the recruit's progress. I promised myself I would let Ron Handle things as he was Acting Head Auror for now, but that proved more difficult than I thought and Ron kicked me out.

When I arrived I sat down at the desk and began looking at files. The first thing I had to handle was the Trial of Cormac McClaggen. His trial would be held today in front of the Wizengamot and I was forced to call Ginny to appear as her testimony was a crucial part of the trial. I had to look over the case, not that I needed to. I saw the whole thing, but I was required to look over it and sign off on it.

Another task I was left to do was schedule a Trial for Jasper Codde(AKA Pyrites). The case had just been closed and sent to my office to prepare for trial. I assigned a trial date for Thursday of this week, signed the paper and moved on. Next was a new law that Hermione had written up and it had all the signatures on it that it needed meaning that all I had to do was look over it and either pass it into law or veto it. As I looked over the law I noticed it had to do with near-human and Semi-human and Human-like beings and beasts including Half-Giants, Half-goblins, Half-Veelas, Half-vampires(as long as the half is less than 50%, Vampire, does not survive on human blood and poses no risk to the public), Half-elf, Werewolves, and Centaurs. The law states that they cannot be discriminated against based on their blood status. For employment, housing, education, and other services. The law goes on for a while listing valid reasons to not serve or offer employment to them like, Valid danger to the public, and criminal record to name a few. This law seemed ok but it was also making my head spin so I set it to the side for now and would call Hermione in to talk me through it later.

My next task was to look over the suggestions that Ron had come up with to improve Ministry security measures. Some of his suggestions were quite good while others were questionable like having our own thief's downfall. I could not even think of a way to make that work. Though it would help it just was not feasible. Some good ideas were to equip the guards with Secrecy sensors and Probity Probes. I was kinda stuck on the Thief's downfall idea. It was a good idea at least the theory of it but the actual thing was just too much. What we needed was another way to check for Impersonation. Maybe like the Mirror of Erised but reveals a person's actual identity, not their desire.

After a few signing some other tasks I was Finished and still had time before the Trail. I decided to call Hermione to talk about the Law. I summoned a Patronus and sent it to her about a minute later I heard a knock on my door. I let whoever it was in but was surprised to see Hermione. "Blime 'Mione I only just sent for you how did you get here so fast," I ask. She laughed. "Harry don't you remember I have a magical door that will take me anywhere in the Ministry," she said more as a statement than a question. "Anyway, what do you need? Did you sign that law in action," she asked. "Actually, that is what I called you for. I was wondering if you could talk me through the finer details. It was starting to make my head spin," I explain. She sat down and started to explain the law to me.

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