Chapter 4: Diagon Alley

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*Harry's POV*

I woke up the next morning feeling refreshed. I looked at the beautiful woman next to me, how did I get so lucky; besides saving the wizarding world? I kissed her on the forehead as she continued sleeping. I threw a used shirt on since I would be taking a shower later today; I made my way downstairs to start the letter to the Ministry. I was almost done when I heard someone behind me. I turned to see that it was Ron, he had Pig with him. After I finished my letter I took Pig so Ron could write out his letter as well. Once he was done we attached our letters to Pig, who started making noise with excitement. We walked over to the window and watched as he flew off in the distance.

"You really need to get a new owl Harry," said Ron. "I know you don't want to replace Hedwig and nor should you, but your gonna need an owl if your gonna communicate with the Ministry in the field." "I know," I said. "Hey, maybe we can go to Diagon Alley today and see how everything is going with the Repairing and reopening." Ron agreed and we went to sit in the sitting room. Then we heard it; our doom.

*Hermione's POV*

I woke up and reached across the bed to cuddle Ron, but he was not there. "Ronald Bilius Weasley," I shouted! I get up and start to get dressed when I heard Ginny scream "Harry James Potter!"A smile crept over my face. I finished dressing and stepped out into the hall along with Ginny. We looked at each other and started to go downstairs. We found them in the sitting room. "I'm going to kill them," said Ginny in a whisper, Mornings are meant to be our time together, cuddling." We walk up to them silently I put my hand on Ron's shoulder and use my nails to dig into his skin slightly not to cause pain but to address my displeasure. Ginny did Simular but ran her nails up his chest. Both boys look at us with horror on their faces. "Glad you boys are having fun," I said with venom in my voice. Ron's Adams apple jumped and he said 'Mione, we-we, were, just..." "we were just talking about the date were wanted to take you guys out on today," interrupted Harry. My eyes snap to Harry and then back to Ron, who was feebly nodding his head. "Alright, we will forgive you this time, but don't let it happen again. Mornings are our time until breakfast" I said still slightly upset but excited about our date. I kiss Ron and sit on the couch next to him. Ginny grabs Harry's hand and drags him up and into the kitchen.

*Ginny's POV*

"You could start making it up to me now you know," I say to Harry, as I drag him into the kitchen with a mischievous grin on my face. "And how could I dot that," says Harry with an equally mischievous grin. I quickly move to the side and push him towards the stove and say "by making me your famous, bacon, Scrambled eggs, and Pancakes" I must have said it a bit too loud because Ron and Hermione both yelled out "me too!" Harry looked at me with a playfully, disgruntled grin and started cooking.

Harry finished cooking and the rest of the family started to wake up Mrs. Weasley was a little upset that Harry, Hermione, Ron, and I already ate but she quickly got over it when she found out Harry made Breakfast for everyone, he even put and warming charm on it to keep it warm. We told everyone our plans for the day and after the rest of the family ate Harry went upstairs to shower. I went upstairs to change for our date. I decided to wear my Black dress that came down to my knees, I don't normally wear make-up but I put some blush and eyeliner on today. Hermione said she was gonna were her red dress. (media Below)

*Harry's POV*

I stepped out of the shower and walked to our room in a towel because I forgot to grab my clothes before I went in. When I went into the room Ginny was in there struggling to get her dress zipped up, when I walked in I startled her and she instinctively grabbed her wand and in her surprise, she vanished the towel. Her face turned to beat red and started apologizing. I laughed after I got over the initial shock, and said: "well at least nobody else is in here this time Gin." I grabbed clean drawers and slid them on at this exact time Ron came opened the door and saw me mostly naked.

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