Chapter 8: The Diner

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**************Hey everyone I'm back sorry I been gone so long here is chapter 8 ************

*Ginny's POV*

Harry has been working for the Ministry for two weeks now I have gotten a little bit better with Harry going out into the field. We moved back to The Burrow two days after the raid on the Dursleys' house. Harry came over 3 days a week so he could see me; though I know it's more so I can see him. I still have terror attacks when he is not around but if I see him at least 3 times a week they're not as bad. On Harry's way to work, he stopped to drop off Teddy who is now 3 months old. Mum always loves it when Teddy is around, but you gotta pay attention to his hair. His hair changes color based on his mood if it turns red he is mad, Light blue is sad, yellow is really happy, and his regular teal blue. Mum was just finishing feeding Teddy and was laying him for a nap when George came downstairs. "hey sis wanna practice some quidditch" he said and winked at me. I said sure and we went out to the broom closet to grab our brooms. "so when you gonna talk to mum about dropping out of Hogwarts to join a Pro Quidditch team," he asked. I looked at him and said, "I will after tryouts if I don't make the team I'll be going to Hogwarts, and if I do well then ill tell mum I'm not going back." We mount our brooms and fly to the makeshift pitch George went to be the keeper and I moved into position for penalty shots. once we were both ready I shot forward toward George and scored a point. "how do you think mom will take it if you make the team and don't go back," asked George. I looked at him and said, "well I hope she supports my decision; it is my life after all. Sometimes it bothers me how nosy she can be." "well sound like you got it planned out shall we continue," said George. I nodded my head and we kept playing.

*Ron's POV*

It has been a slow couple of weeks at the office. Actually, it has been a slow couple of weeks for the bloody Ministry as a whole and it was really starting to get to us. Neither Harry nor I have heard anything about the "Pyrite" guy, he must have gone underground when we raided Privet Drive. Harry went to get coffee he has not been getting much sleep as of late. Ever since he got his God-Fathers study cleaned out, he has been scanning the files over and over again as if he will see something he didn't see the last 500 times he read it.

I on the other hand have not been able to sleep very well for a completely other reason; Ginny. Ever since we moved back to The Burrow she has woken up screaming usually twice every night it sometimes gets so bad we have to call Harry and he would come over or she would go over and spend the night with him. I have been thinking about talking to her mom, and dad to see if she wants to move in with Harry at least until the Terrors stop.

Harry comes back with a coffee for me and a coffee for himself, "hey Ron, your dad looks beat they working him hard down there," he asked. "No" I reply. "It's Ginny, she still has night terrors and it wakes the whole house up.  Sometimes Harry I wish you did move out, or a least she didn't come back to The Burrow with us and stayed with you. The worst thing is we can't help her we just gotta let her ride it out.

 Suddenly an alarm blasted through the Ministry signaling a Ministry member was in trouble. Harry and I sprang to our feet and sprinted to the Situation Room and there before us was Hermione's face.

*Hermione's POV*  ////////30 Minutes earlier\\\\\\\

I decided to go out for lunch to this cute little muggle diner around the corner. I ordered a turkey sandwich and a salad, then I sat down to eat. While I was eating a group of guys walked in and took a seat on the opposite side of the diner from me. They did not look like muggles so I assumed they were wizards. I return to my lunch when one of the guys caught my attention by drawing his wand I drew mine just in case but returned to eating.

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