Chapter 18: The Prank on Ron

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                                                                         27th September, 1998

                                                                                   Harry P.O.V 

I woke up with Ginny in my arms, her warm body pressed against me. I give her a deep kiss as an incentive to wake up. When I see her eyes flutter open I smile. "Good morning gorges," I say. She yawns but replies "If I get woken up like that everyday id be a happy woman." "That can be arranged," I say with a smile. "Mmmmm, you're so warm and comfy can't we just stay here?" she asks while burrowing herself into the nap of my neck. "I wish we could love, but today is Sunday. So that means we have family dinner later." I explain. She moans but gets out of bed anyway.

As we get dressed Ginny asks if we should bring Grayce. I thought about it for a sec but a mischievous idea popped into my head as a way to get back at Ron. I explained my idea to Ginny, who thought about it for a while when she also got a mischievous smile on her face. Before we could talk about it she ran from the room. I finished getting dressed and walked down the stairs.

"Now I'm only permitting you this one time. So you want in?" I hear Ginny say. "If you giving me this permission to do this to pull the best prank on one of my bosses then count me in." I then hear Grayce reply. "What you ladies talking about?" I ask, though I already know. "Oh, you know that evil genius plan you came up with." Ginny laughs. "Wait you thought of this?!" Grayce asked surprised. "Yeah I figured the look on his face would be worth it in the end," I say. 

We use the time we have to plan out the whole charade. Ginny at least wants her mum and dad to know the plan so I don't instantly die when I get there. About an hour later Livia returns with  Mrs. Weasley's reply, saying she will play along, but she wants to know what really happened later. Once the plan is set in stone we still have a few hours to kill and decide to play a muggle card game called Kings Corners that Hermionie had taught Ron and me last year. Just like any other game I play with any Weasley sibling me and Grayce get are butts creamed by Ginny. After a few games, it was time to go. With glints of mischief shining in our eyes, we step into the fireplace, I wrap my arms around both of the girls, and we floo to The Burrow. 

Once we arrive we step out with my arms around both girls Mrs. Weasley looks up cocks an eyebrow and a little smile gets caught on her face but she does not say anything. Mr. Weasley also seems intrigued. Ginny winks at her and he suppresses a giggle and goes back to reading the profit. Ginny Introduces Grayce and I hug Mrs. Weasley and thank her for playing along.

I go to sit on the couch to wait for the show to begin. Ginny asks her mum to call Ron down and then grabs Grayce by the hand and leads her to the couch where both girls sit on my lap and start playing with my hair and staring 'Lovingly' at me. 

"RON! Would you get down here and join us for Merlin's sake?" Mrs Weasley yells like she normally would. Soon we hear footsteps coming down the stairs indicating the show was about to start. "Ah, there you are. Your sister is here now go say Hi" Mrs Weasley says. When Ron turns around and sees the scene his eyes go wide. "G-G-Gin-GINNY what the bloody hell is going on here!?" Ron Exclames. The look on his face is amazing and I'm about to back character when I notice Ginny looking at me with the 'wait for it look'. Ginny looks at Ronald with an innocent smile. "What do you mean Ron?" she asks angelicly. While Grayce continues to stare at me on my lap and play with my hair. "What the bloody hell is she doing here with Harry and you and Why are you both sitting on his lap like- like you're together?" he asks through his teeth appalled. Hermione comes down shortly after wondering why Ron is yelling. When she sees the scene she is also flabbergasted but unknown to me Ginny had winked at Hermione. "Oh, I thought Mum or Harry would have told you after getting to know Grayce I had come to like her and now were living together as a happy threesome," Ginny Explains and I have to hide my smile at Ron's face. Ron whips around and looks at his mom. "You know about this." Mrs. Weasley steals a glance a Ginny and says "Yes, I did and if they're happy together then I can't judge. I just want to see my children happy." Then Mr. Weasley pipes up. "Yes Ron, All we want is for Ginny to be Happy and if that is with both Harry and Grayce then we are happy for them," he adds. Ron looks at his dad in shock then he locks back onto us. "I want prof!" He spits. Ginny shrugs then turns to me and mouths "Play along" At this point I'm wining it as this was not part of my plan. Ginny leans in and kisses me deeply and patiently. When she breaks the kiss she winks at me and then turns to Grayce and starts kissing her like she did me. I was shocked but pulled myself together and took a glance at Ron whose eyes were just about popping out of his head. Once they pulled apart Grayce looked at me, leaned in started to kiss me deeply. Soon we heard a hard thud and when we broke apart to look Ron was passed out unconscious on the floor.

                                                                                             Ginny P.O.V

Me and Grayce broke apart I'm not Bi and I'll only ever love Harry but Grayce is a good kisser. I watch Grayce lean to Harry and kiss him deeply. I'm not gonna lie seeing Harry kissing another girl kinda hurt but it was also kinda hot. Not long after we heard a hard thud Grayce and Harry broke apart to look and I also looked to see Ron was passed out unconscious on the floor. I let out a giggle and saw Mum and Dad also looking shocked. Me and Grayce stand up and take a bow for our performance and Mum and Dad breathe a sigh realizing it was all for show. 

Remembering Ron, I set a stern face at him and said "Enverate" and pointed my wand at him. Ron groans and gets on his feet. He looks at me, then Harry, Mum, Dad, and Finally Grayce. "What am I missing" he asked. "Well," I start "some bloody common sense for starters. You saw the whole incident in real time and got all bent out of shape because of an accidental, spur-of-the-moment, emotionally-driven kiss because Harry was the first person to show Grayce basic human kindness and understanding after he discovered her secret." Ron looked at me and I could see the gears turning in his head. "but, he- and you- and she" "That was an act Ronauld. Think really hard. I know you have the IQ of a hummingbird but, just really think about what happened last Friday. Ron stood there thinking and you could practically see smoke coming out of his ears from him thinking so hard. 

I saw the exact moment he realized what we all knew. His eyes dropped and his posture slouched. "You have anything to say," I ask him. "I'm really sorry for the way I reacted I wasn't thinking and I should not have said any of that or done any of that I hope you guys can forgive me Ginny, Harry, and Grayce," Ron said sorrowfully. Harry steps forward and places a hand on his shoulder "It's fine mate just use the brain of yours I know you got one and I have seen it in action your smart Ron just dense sometimes man" Harry said and then Harry and Ron Hug it out. Grayce comes forward next. "I also forgive you, Ron, like Harry said just use that smart brain of yours more" She gives Ron a side hug and walks back over to Harry. Ron turns to face me "How bout it baby sister will you forgive me," he says. I stare at him hard "Fine I forgive you for being stupid." I give him a hug. "But, I don't forgive you for punching Harry and hurting him," I glare at him. He looks at me and then something clicks "Gin, Gin now let's not do anything hasty now," he says backing away from me. "Bats Muco!" I shout, and Ron starts running around yelling with bats flying out of his noose. "Now I forgive you" I shout, as Ron continues to Ron around with Bates flying from his noose.

                                                                             Harry P.O.V

We had a nice dinner with the family after everything was said and done. Hermione, After hearing the whole story, decided to let Ron suffer with bat bogies for a while, but after about 5 minutes blessed him with the counter cures. During dinner, we explained the full story of what happened to the rest of the family who was not there for the show and Grayce also exposed her secret to the rest of the Weasley family who showed their support, though nobody got kissed that time; though she did burst into tear with gratitude.

Dinner was amazing as always with Mrs, Weasley's cooking. We had a hardy meal. When everyone was done eating Bill and Flur stood from the table. "We have an announcement to make," Bill said and looked lovingly at his wife. "We're Pregnant!" They both say at the same time. The table erups in applauds and cheers the guys go to bill and clap him on the back with there congradulations and the girls swarm flur. Mrs, Weasley was beside herself with with tears "I-I'm-I'm going to be a grandmother," she sobs huging her son and dughter in law.

 Dinner was followed up with more laughter and games and the family getting to know Grayce better. By the end of the day, Grayce was an honorary member of the Weasley Family.

Hey guys I know this was shorter than normal but this was a filler chapter and I needed Ron to make up with everyone for his stupid behavior I hope you liked Harry, Ginny, and Grayce's Prank please leave a comment and vote if you liked this chapter.

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