Chapter 15: Preparation

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The next few days passed by with Harry in his study at home working out ideas for how to improve the Auror Department. As of right now there was no Ranking system, no Recruiting system, no real training program, and no system for tracking or investigating reports of loose death eaters. Harry's brain was working overtime to come up with ideas and the only thing he came up with a dust bin full or crumbled up parchment of ideas that in his mind lack luster and he was getting frustrated.

                                                              Harry's P.O.V

I threw another idea in the dust bin and ran my fingers threw my hair for the millionth time today, and grumbled to my self. It was already Friday and I still had nothing to show the Minister come Monday morning; saying that I was frustrated would be a understatement. 

A knock sounded at my door and I granted entry. "Kreacher would like to inform Master Potter that his friend Mr. Weasley is asking for you" the elf explained. 

It was with this that I slapped my head with my hand. Why am I trying to do all this myself when I have a Deputy to help, two heads are better than one and maybe Ron might have some ideas. I said to my self.

"Tell him to come to my study" I tell the elf, who bows then exits the room. Not long after the door reopens and I look up to face my best friend. "Good your hear maybe you can help me come up with some ideas for how to improve the Auror Department." I say as way of greeting.

"Good to see you too mate" he says with a sideways grin. "Oh shut up and help me you lout" I replay with a smile and we start laughing. "Ok tell me what you go so far" Asked Ron. "Nothing" I explain. "Some head Auror you are" he snaps at me with a smile. I just shake my head and and explain what we need to change.

For easier communication I conjured and white bord and a cork bord and we set to work.

                                                                        Ginny P.O.V

I duck out of the way of a bludger the just nearly misses my head. I lean forward on my broom and shoot the quaffle towards the right most hoop the keeper and just a tad slow and quaffle flies threw the hoop marking my 12 goal for the scrimmage. Not long after that our seeker held the snitch in her hands victoriously. We made are way to the ground were our captain, Gwenog Jones was waiting. As we touch down she started on a speech.

"Great job today everyone, Ginny you did a amazing job that keeper just could not keep up with you. Morgana, you got to work on your reflexes you hesitate for a second when you see the snitch. The rest of you did well just keep practicing and nobody will know what hit them. As you all are aware our first game will be against the Chudley Cannons a team of both male and female. Now that should not matter in the slightest but I am currently in the works of trying to form a coed team for us to practice against. Nothing is set in stone yet but its looking promising. Anyway practice is over for the day you all are dismissed." 

As the team and I headed to the locker room I got pulled to the side by Gwen, who asked me to meet her in her office once I was dressed. I agreed and went to the locker room to get changed.

After I finished getting dressed I walked to Gwen's office and knocked. In less then 10 second she welcomed me in and asked me to take a seat. When had seated she started talking. "The reason I asked you in her Ginny is as you heard earlier I'm forming a coed team for us to practice against, to tell you the truth the team is all but finalized were just missing one position. The seeker. all the people who have tried out for the part are under rubbish so here I am talking to you." she pauses for a moment a takes a breath. "It is my understanding that your boyfriend Harry Potter was one of the best seekers Hogwarts has seen in over a century. So I am asking if there is anyway you could convince him to be on a practice team with us. He wont have to commit to anything major but he will technically be on the team and it would be nice if he could spare at least a day or two a week when we are playing coed teams leading up to the match" she finished.

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