Chapter 27: The Accident

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Quick A/N I'm not going to go through Pyrites' trial as in-depth as I did McClaggan's as his felt more personal to Harry, the family, myself, and hopefully you readers. So, I'm going to do a 3rd person summary of what happened. 

Thursday came fast, another Full Wizengamot Trial took place for the crimes committed by Jasper Codde(AKA Pyrites). Harry presided over the trial this time and he didn't hold back. Insurmountable evidence was stacked against him. The charges were severe. To name a few there were multiple counts of murder, rape, kidnapping, use of unforgivable curses, and many more. Halfway through the trial, his fate was sealed and the court saw no need to bring further witnesses to the stand and ask them to recall the traumatic event that occurred. After the court heard and saw all they needed it was the fastest, easiest, and most agreed-upon trial in recent history. The court unanimously found him guilty on all 250 charges. All that was left was to vote for his sentence. Neither Harry nor Hermione voted. They could not allow themselves to vote for this sentience, They still believed that no one deserved to have their soul sucked from them, But two people tested their resolve and it was Voldemort and Pyrites. As the vote was counted It was also unanimously decided on Dementor's kiss. All but the two who didn't vote. Now it was Harry's job to issue the sentence. Harry stood, his throat dry and hands shaking. He never wanted to send someone to have their soul devoured, but it was his job and even the minister could not change that. "Jasper Codde, You have been found guilty by this court on all 250 Charges. Because of your disgusting, hideous, cold-blooded, and unredeemable crimes, This court has decided that you are too dangerous to risk escape, and seeing as you have no remorse, no emotion to your actions you have also forfeited your right to a peaceful death with that being said you have been sentenced to receive the dementors kiss and to live out the rest of you mortal life in Azkaban Prison.

18 January 1999

Harry P.O.V

Only one week until Kingsly returns and takes his job back. One week and this horrid job will be behind me. One week. One long excruciating week. After Pyrites' trial, I have been having nightmares. I never wanna see a soul get devoured by a dementor ever again. I felt tainted, dirty, and evil for passing that sentence. I wish there was a way I could have changed it, but even a Minister has its limits. If they didn't it would be a Monarchy and we saw what that could do hundreds of years ago. Hermione has not been the same since either. I understand the worry he was a Metamorphmagus even in Azkaban he could have changed his looks and tricked a guard into letting him out but still, it does not sit right with me.

I was sitting in my office going over some paperwork for the Auror Department it seemed the recruits were doing very well and soon they would be able to start taking the final test. I was hoping I would be back for it, but come hell or high water I will be there for Grayce's test.

 I had just finished the paperwork for the day and decided to call Hermione in to talk about something that has been on my mind since our search for Kingsly. I sent a patronus to find her and as usual, within a minute, there was a knock on my door. I wave my hand and the door opens revealing Hermione. "What's up," she asked. "Not much just finished my paperwork and wanted to bend your ear a little. you have time," I replied. "Sure anything for you Harry, You know that," I smile and she takes a seat in front of me and I start talking. "You remember that wizard area we were in and all those people who looked to be hardly able to feed themselves," I ask. She nods saying she remembers. "Well, I wanna do something to help them. Maybe set up... I don't know a homeless shelter or a soup kitchen or a Department of Housing for the less fortunate I don't know something to help them get on their feet and live better," I explain. Hermione looks at me proudly. "Harry that's a fantastic idea! Tell me your ideas for this department you mentioned," Hermione exclaimed. Now that I was put on the spot, I hadn't really thought about the department bit, it just came out. "Well, I don't really know, maybe we can funnel some of the taxes into that department and it could be used to build houses for them and the department could also be a tool used to help find them jobs, of course, they could also collect donations to help as well," I explain. "Harry that's brilliant! I'll start searching for what we need to do to implement this idea and how to get it off the ground. Meanwhile, you start putting this idea of yours on paper, that way it more easier to follow and work out the kinks," Hermione explains as she runs out the door into her office. I was gonna work on plans and stuff for Quidditch but I guess I can do that later. 

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