Chapter 29: The Dueling Club

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25 January 1999

Harry P.O.V

I was very happy to return to my real job as Head Auror and get back to what I was good at. Though Kingly says I would make a fantastic Minister one day I have no desire for it. He said that he would work with Hermione on the Housing idea we were working on and thought it was a great idea. I just came back from lunch and had scheduled a department meeting in the conference room. 

"Hello everyone glad everyone is here. Let's get started shall we." I start. "Aurors, how are you feeling about your recruits? Are they almost ready for the final test," I asked. Everyone seemed to agree that the recruits had been showing great progress and that they were ready for the last test. "Great, I shall start scheduling tests next week. Aurors fill out these forms for your recruits and recruits sign the bottom," I say while handing out a stack of paper to be handed out to each Auror. "Next, I know since Pyrites' arrest things have been more quiet than they have been in quite some time. I don't want anyone to get out of practice so everyone will be required to but in 5 hours in the training room a week unless you're on assignment," I explain. "Lastly I have been asked by the Headmistress of Hogwarts to host a Dueling club as well as talk to students interested in becoming a Auror. I would like for other Aurors to also contribute and help when I am unable to. This is not required but would be appreciated. You could help mold the next batch of recruits, and ensure that further generations of Witches and Wizards have the knowledge to defend themselves and others if the situation arises. I will have a sheet available to any who wish to sign up," I finish.

After the meeting, I packed up my things for the day and floo'd to McGonagall's office to talk about the dueling club and how many students had signed up. We decided on 2 or 3 days a week and we would hold a house championship as well. After putting together the last few details, we went to the great hall to set up a dueling area. Once that was done all there to do was wait. 

I didn't have to wait long because soon students started filling into the great hall and finding a seat. After a few last-minute stragglers, everyone was seated and I began talking. "Hello everyone. As most of you know I am Harry Potter, Head Auror in the Ministry," I say, pausing for a moment. "I will be hosting a dueling club here and we will be having competitions. What kind of competitions you may ask and that is a good question there will be 4 Competitions Teams, Solo, Duos, and House. The team competition is a team of 4 wizards or witches 1 from each house go against another team. Solo and a Solo Duel as the name implies and it is one v one. Duos is where you and your partner of your choice go against another Duo and House is a team of 8 from one house vs another house. Everyone Following so far," I state looking around. On one hand rasies and I call on a small 4th year looking girl with black hair and tan skin wearing Ravenclaw robes. "What is the reward for winning," she asked. "Good question. Winners of solo, Duo, and team matches will earn a trip to Hogsmeade with a badge that allows you to purchase stuff at a reduced price at certain shops, like Hunnydukes, Three Broomsticks, and many others. The House team with earn points toward the house cup and a new Hogwarts Championship the dueling cup," I explain. Everyone seemed excited. "Now then enough with talking. Who wants to watch a duel," I asked and the crowd started clapping and nodding and shouting yes. "Ladies and Gentlemen I present to you a former Dueling Champion Professor Flitwick," I called and Flitwick hobbled up onto the platform. "Take it easy on me will you Professor," I ask smiling. "Oh you wish I would don't you, potter," he smiled back.

We walked to the center of the dueling area, Raised our wands, and bowed. then turned away from each other and walked 10 steps away from each other then to face each other again. After a count from three spells started flying. I had to hand it to Flitwick he was good really good and I was not sure if I was going to win this duel but I would still try, "Protego" I shouted blocking a spell. I fire another spell and Flitwick dodges it, Flitwick flicks his wand, and my wand flies from my hand. I had a little secret though while Flitwick was focused on my wand flying threw the air I used wandless magic cast Incarcerous binding Flitwick arms to his side and making him drop his wand. Everyone was silent I held my hand out and my wand flew to me I bowed and everyone started cheering and clapping I undid the spell on Flitwick and he came over to me. "Well done Mr. Potter I must admit I was not expecting you to be able to use wandless magic like that he said.

After our duel Flitwick and I worked with the students to help them get familiar with dueling. After about an hour and a half, I called everyone to order. "Great job all of you. As for house captains get with your heads of house if you're interested.  Whoever the captain is will have the responsibility to set up practices and training with their team. Now if there are no other questions you a free to leave or stay a practice a while.

Hey Guys I know this one is short but I am having really hard writer's block lately. Might come back and edit this chapter another time but yea sorry guys next chapter will be better.....hopefully 

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