Chapter19: Grayce

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                                                                               6th October 1998 (last night was a full moon)

                                                                                       Grayce P.O.V

It's been a week and a few days since I moved in with Harry and Ginny, and honestly, I have not been this happy in a long time. Harry made a Wolfsbane potion for my transformation last night and it went ok. Harry and Ginny spoke to Mcgonagall and agreed to let me use the shrieking shack for my transformations for now until we find something else.

I woke up in the Shrieking shack after a long night got dressed in my work clothes and started walking towards Hogsmead so I could apperate to the ministry. Harry said I could have the day off but I didn't want it to seem like favoritism and I was determined to prove myself reliable.

                                                                                       Harry P.O.V

I woke up with Ginny's chocolate caramel eyes staring at me. I could get lost for days in those eyes. I look at the time and see that it is time for me to get up and ready for work. Ginny also has practice today. The game against the Chudley Cannon was amazing Morgan decided to come back and I have been working with her to improve her seeker abilities. She still has a ways to go but she caught the snitch winning the game for the Harpies with a Final score of 340-650. Ginny had an amazing game and made 30 goals and was named Player of the Match. Everyone was there to watch the game including Grayce and Teddy. Mrs. Weasley said that Teddy could not take his eyes off the match and always changed his hair to a fiery red to match Ginny when she made a goal. I took a shower, got dressed, and kissed Ginny telling her to have a good practice and be safe. 

When I got to our office I saw that Ron was already there but Grayce wasn't though I did give her the day off seeing as last night was a full moon. 

I took my seat behind my desk and took out the case file that we had been working on the past week. The more I look at this case the more stressed I become. After a few minutes, the door to my office opens and I look up surprised to see Grayce walking in and heading to her desk. "Sorry I'm late sir," she says her voice a little huskier than normal but I shake it off thinking she's just tired after the transformation. "I gave you the day off what are you doing here" I ask. "Oh, you know the case I just wanna help and prove myself," she says. I'm a little taken aback but I admire her dedication and determination. "Well, if you going to be here I expect you to work hard ok" I state. "Yes sir, Auror Potter," she says. Me and Ron look at each other, normally she just calls me Harry. I figured she was just tired and let it go and returned to my notes. After a few hours its none of us have really talked throughout the day while being so focused on the case and I decided it was lunch time. "Alright, guys how about lunch," I say and Ron stands from the desk already ready; food is definitely Ron's love language. "I'd like to stay and keep working on this case if that ok," says Grayce. "Come on Grayce we all need food and you not going to get much done on an empty stomach, we will be back soon enough," I say. "Yes sir," she says and I look at Ron again starting to get suspicious, he has the same look, but we didn't wanna jump to any conclusions yet maybe she really is just tired. 

We walk to the restaurant that is located in the Ministry, find a seat, and sit down. "So how was your night" I asked directed at Grayce. "Oh you know it was a night the same as any other," she says. I affirm her statement with a nod starting to get increasingly suspicious. "So Grayce remember that prank we pulled on Ginny two Sundays ago," I ask referring the the prank we actually played on Ron. She starts laughing and says "yea I remember it was amazing the look on her face was perfect," she says laughing. Now I know this is not Grayce but someone who just looks like her. I glance at Ron and he nods his head knowingly. As fate would have it a ministry memo comes flying into me and I look at it. It is just a basic memo about unimportant stuff but I take this moment to look surprised and set a trap for our imposter. I look over to Ron who seems to be catching on "One of the teams caught someone who might be linked to the kidnappings and murders and requested our presence in the interrogation room ASAP" I say "You want in too right Grayce I know you been existed to catch this guy." I say to the imposter Grayce. "Hell yeah she says I want in," they say. "Alright let's forget about lunch for now and head over there."

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