Chapter 39

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"Hallie..." I said.

"I know," Nate said. "I know."

"This means..." I trailed off as I shook my head.

"I'm going to do my best to get some answers. I don't
know how I'm going to get to Vin, but I'll call i'm every favours. I promise you, Damien, I'm going to find the answers to our questions."

Do I dare hope? I asked myself.

If Vin is alive there is a huge possibility that Hallie is too. And if she is, then why? Why hide from me?

These past few months have been hell. Have been torture... and now, to finally have a chance at knowing she could be alive, I can't explain the way I feel. Aside from happiness, why do I feel hurt and a sense of betrayal?


"Nate..." my voice cracked.

"I know, man. I understand," he said as he squeezed
my shoulder.

I closed my eyes and ran my hand down my face in frustration.

"Do you want to go back in there?" he asked.

I looked back at the court house and blew out a frustrated sigh. "No," i said. "I need to be somewhere else," I said.

He nodded.

I signalled my security and they followed me to the car.

"Take me to her," I said.

My head and my heart were both pounding. I still can't believe Vin is alive.

What the hell happened that day?

I walk towards her feeling different. I feel a certain anger I can't explain.

"I'm so confused," I said out loud. "I feel
like everything I've known these past months have been a lie. A nightmare. Vin is alive and I just...
how? What happened? You were with him just moments before the explosion." I too a shuddering breath.

"God.... I never believed... you were dead. I couldn't accept it. But somehow I had to. For Ty and Michy. And now... how I hope it's true. I hope you are alive, and if you are what does that mean for me? For us?"

I took a deep breath. "I love you. I love you so much... I'm going to find answers."

Whether I'll like the answers is what I have yet to find out.

My phone pinged.

I looked at the screen and read the message. "20 minutes. Courthouse." was all the message said from Nate.

I quickly got into my car and asked to drive back to the courthouse. "Quickly," I added.


"What's going on?" I asked.

"You have 10 minutes with him," Nate said.

I swallowed nervously.

I nodded as he opened the door for me.

I walked in and there he was. Sitting. Calm.

I sat down in front of him unable to say anything for a few moments.

"I know you have some questions," he finally said breaking the silence.

I cleared my throat. "How?" I asked.

"I had just made it out the side of the house when the explosion happened," he said. "There was a car waiting for us."

"Just you? I saw Hallie with you. You were together," I pointed out.

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