Chapter 42

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The trial continued on for another two days. During that time, I was able to talk to my dad. Nate also pulled some strings and brought Ty and Michy to me. I couldn't wait any longer. I had to see my kids. To my disappointment, Damien did not come with them. I get it, I do. He asked for time and I said I would give it to him.

It was amazing holding my kids in my arms. Ty had some questions, while Michy just wouldn't let go of me. She stayed in my arms and cried if I try to put her down. I think she's afraid I would disappear.

Guilt filled me anew. I tried to shake the feeling of, but I couldn't. I hurt my kids. Damien. Our family.

"Hey..." Nate said. "Don't be too hard on yourself okay? We understand what you did. We may not agree with it, but we understand where you're coming from. Damien does too. He just need some time."

I nodded as I wiped my tears away. "I know."

"I'm really glad you're alive and you're safe. We all are," he said.

"Thanks, Nate. For everything. I'm also sorry."

"You have nothing to apologize for."

"I trusted you all. I did. My decision wasn't about trust. It was about fear. I just couldn't let anything happen to any of you."

"Hallie, I understand. and again, you have nothing to apologize for. You're family. We love you and we're not going anywhere," he said, before pulling me into a hug.

When it was time for Ty and Michy to go, they both cried, but I promised them that I wasn't going anywhere and that we would be together

Once this is all over, I'm getting my family back, I vowed to myself.


"Are you okay?" my sister Lia asked as she sat beside me.

I looked over at her and nodded.

"How was your conversation with Hallie?"

I took swing at my beer and sighed. "She... I understand her reasons, but I don't at the same time. Does that even make sense?" I asked.

She nodded. "It does. You're hurting. And when we hurt, our judgement isn't always clear. We don't always see reason or remain objective. We tend to focus on what hurt us. But trust me Damien, once you get past that hurt and you dig deep, what you'll find is understanding," she said.

I frowned at her words.

"When you love someone, you have this deep sense of responsibility for that person. You want them happy and safe. You want to protect them at all cost," she explained. "I know that what Hallie did hurt. It hurt all of us. We all grieved her and watching you go through that pain and sorrow, it was hard," she said tearfully. "But I also know that her choices was because she loved you... Just as much as you love her. And that need you feel to protect her is the exact same emotion she felt that drove her to make that decision. When the people we love are threatened, human nature tells us to react and protect. we're forced to make difficult decisions that we believe will keep the people we love safe from harm. No matter what the cost is," she said as she looked at me with pain filled eyes. "You do whatever it takes."

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