Chapter 28

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You guys have been asking me for this, so here it is... A little something with Arabella and Massimo.


I climbed into bed and snuggled close to Massimo.

"Tell me... is our son okay?" I asked.

"He will be," he replied. "He's hurting."

I nodded.

He dropped a kiss on the top of my head.

I sighed.

"It seems like every single one or our kids is destined to go through the wire before winning the one they love," Massimo jokes.

I chuckled. "I just wish it was something more... I don't know... normal? Does that make sense?" I asked. "I guess all I'm saying I wish it didn't have to always involved something so dangerous and violent. I just...  I try not to show it, but it scares me Mass."

Massimo scooted up the bed, bringing me with him.

"I know, sweetheart. Our family has gone through so much and we always overcome it. We raised our kids well and they've all got a good head on their shoulder," he pointed out. "It's normal to feel scared. You're their mother, but if there's anything that I've learned from you is that you gotta have faith. I trust Nate and his team. I trust our family."

"I do too."

He kissed me softly on my lips.

"What was that for?" I asked.

"Just that I love you," he said.

I smiled. "I love you too."

"You make me so happy, you know that right?"

I nodded.

"You're my whole life, Arabella."

"You're mine too."

"Thank you for loving me."

I frowned. I could see that he was close to tears and I wonder what brought this on. There is not a second of doubt in my mind that he loves me and that our family is everything to him. "Are you okay, Mass? What's going on with you?"

He shook his head. "I just... when Damien and I were talking, I told him to ask himself if he can live without Hallie in his life. I told him that if the answer is no, then he needs to hold onto her and never let go no matter how hard she tries to push him away. Then he asked me, what if she doesn't love him back and I told him not to give up. Not until she's found someone who she loves and loves her back. I told him that only then should he let her go. I just got to thinking about how much I wronged you in the past and how I could have easily lost you," he said, his voice breaking.

"Mass... that was a long time ago and there was no way I was leaving you or giving up so easily."

"I'm arrogant and an egotistical jerk. You can still leave me. What if one day you wake up and you..." I pressed my finger against his lips.

"Mass, there is no danger of that happening," I said, wiping the tears running down his face. "Hey, look at me," I coaxed. "I love you so much. I'm not going anywhere," I assured him.

I kissed me once again. "I love you so fucking much, baby.

I smiled. "Right back at you, EJ."

He kissed me passionately and showed me exactly just how much he loved me.


"Are you sure about this?" My father asked Nate.

"The publicity surrounding Hallie's paternity will help us. Not only will she be in the public eye and have every media outlet watching her, it will take the element of surprise from Barnes. He's counting on her hiding and not wanting to be found. He thrives on this cat and mouse game. He thinks he's got the upper hand by forcing Hallie into hiding. He feeds off her fear. We take that away, we can lure him out. We control this situation. Not him. We're sending him a message," he said. "We're telling him that we're right here and we're not afraid, so come and fucking get us."

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