Chapter 18

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"What makes you think I will stay with you? You killed my mother you sick bastard!" I spat at him.

"You have no proof of it," he sneered.

"I know you killed her."

He laughed. "I will kill you too," he sneered. "The only reason you're still breathing is because of my bloody kids."

He suddenly grabbed me and wrapped his hand around my neck. "If you so much as try to leave and take Ty and Michelle with you. I will kill you."

I shot up gasping for air.

Hands wrapped around me and fought it.

"Hey. Hey. It's okay. It's me. You're okay. It was just a dream. A bad dream."

"Damien?" She whispered, unsure.

"Yeah, baby."

I sagged against him.

He didn't ask questions.  He simply held me. I was grateful, because I don't know what I would say to him if he asked. And I know he will. At some point he will.

"I'm right here, sweetheart. I'm not going anywhere," he whispered softly.

I closed my eyes and fought back my tears. I must have done something right for God to send me a man who's done nothing but care for me and my kids.

"Sleep, sweetheart."

I snuggled closer and settled myself in his arms, where I'm safe.


A state I haven't felt or been in in a long time.

The following morning I woke up with Damien nowhere to be found, leaving me to think that I had dreamt being in his arms, but the space next to mine and his scent, one that I've grown familiar with and grown to love tells me otherwise. I look over to his pillow and found a note.

You looked so peaceful, I didn't want to wake you. When you're ready, come join me for breakfast.

      P.S. Don't worry about the kiddos. I've grown to enjoy my mornings with them.


A smile formed in my lips. I quickly got out of bed and headed to the bathroom to freshen up before doing as Damien asked. Join him for breakfast.

I looked at myself in the mirror and almost didn't recognize the person staring back at me. Good rest will this to anyone, I thought to myself. But it wasn't the only thing I saw. I saw excitement in my eyes. Giddiness. The thought of seeing Damien makes my heart flutter and makes my body shiver with joy. If I don't watch myself, I could easily fall in love with him. Something that I could never let happen.

I looked back at my reflection.  "You can't," I whispered.

I quickly finished up and headed to join Damien and my angels.

"I hear mommy," I heard Damien say. "Do you hear her my sweet angel?" He asked.

Michy squeaked happily. "Mama."

"Yes, sweetheart. Your mommy."

Tears filled my eyes. This is what Ty and Michy deserve. A dotting father. A father who will love and protect them. Someone like Damien and not... I shook my head.

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