Chapter 13

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Those intense green eyes flashed in my head. Eyes that pierces me to the core. Eyes that makes me want to believe and hope. Eyes that make me burn. That proved the very depths of my mind.

He was a man that made me femme safe. And in irony, it was the very thing that scares me the most.

This is exactly why I'm doing this, I told myself as I held Ty and Michy in my arms, as I prayed for the heavy rain to stop.

One mistake. Just one and Ty and Michy would pay the price. But I still couldn't shake Damien Anastasi from my mind. He was a handsome man. The man was built solid from head to toe. The damn stubborn man has no shortage in the beauty part. He was tall. So tall that he looks over me. His chest was massive and his upper arms bulged with muscles. But that's not what caught my attention the most.... what caught my attention the most was the way he looks at me. He looks at me like he cares. Like I matter. Like my kids matter. Like I'm precious... like I'm the most important thing in this world. It was crazy knowing that we don't know each other at all, and yet it seemed to make perfect sense. Maybe I'm overthink this and I'm being overly fanciful, but it's the way I feel. The way he makes me feel. It made me feel good and it's a feeling I haven't felt in a long time. Longer than I'd like. In fact, I don't even know if I've ever felt like that. Ever. Maybe if I hadn't gone through what I had I'd be more accepting. Maybe I'd have the confidence and the freedom to entertain and react to such a connection. But now? That woman no longer exists. I don't have confidence nor the freedom to live without fear and doubts. Besides, dating and relationship was the last thing on my mind. I have a family to protect. Kids to raise. I have to stay two steps ahead of Marcus. Maybe I'll never have a normal life again, but I have Ty and Michy and with them, I'll have everything. As long as we live a life free of Marcus and the abuse he subjected us to then I'll gladly give up any hopes I have.


"Yes, sweet pea?"

"I'm cold," Ty said.

Again a wave of guilt plagued me. I should have waited. I shouldn't have dragged them out in the rain.

What the he'll as I thinking?

"Come snuggle closer baby."

I look over at Michy whose asleep. This little angel sleep through anything. Sometimes it really is a blessing.

"Hallie?" a voice called out and I peek out from the sweater I used to cover us and keep us warm.

Damien? It can't be. How did he...?


"Damn it!" he cursed as he hurried towards us. "Jerry!" he called out.

"I got them, sir."


"I'm right here, baby," he said as He gathered us all in his arms. I dropped a kiss on Ty and Michy's head. "Thank god you're all safe."

"Thanks for finding us," I murmured. But when I looked up, it wasn't Damien holding us. It was Marcus.

Fear gripped me.

He smiled mirthlessly. "You didn't really think you can escape me and take my kids did you?" He sneered.

I screamed.


"Hallie. Hallie, wake up. Wake up." I was being shaken awake.

That voice.

His voice.

"Hallie, honey, wake up."

I opened my eyes, gasping for air.

"Shh... Shh... you're okay. You're fine. It was just a bad dream."


"It's me. You're okay."

I burst into to tears.

He wrapped me in his arms, as I cried.

He murmured sweet nothings until my tears subsided.

"Will you tell me what you were dreaming about, that got you so upset?" Damien asked me.

I shook my head. "It was nothing. I'm being silly."

I could tell that he didn't like what I said and that he didn't believe me, but I'm just not ready yet.

He released me and stood up and I immediately felt the loss of his arms around me. I wanted to be in his arms. I felt safe in his arms. But I didn't dare tell him that.

I couldn't.

Instead I looked over to the window and I could hear the heavy rain falling outside. It was loud. Louder than when it was when I tried to escape.

"Thank god I found you before the weather got worst. God knows what could have happened. It's a freaking rainstorm out there," he said. "They already have some road closures due to some flooding and they're expecting more rain in the next little while," he added. He looked angry. Frustrated. It should have scared me, but for some reason it didn't. "When I think about what could have happened... if I hadn't looked when I did, I would have missed you. You would still be there and god knows what could have happened to all of you!"

"I'm sorry."

He looked at me and shook his head.

"You lied to me!"

I frowned. "I lied to you?"

"Yes!" He said resolutely. "You said you'd try."

I felt myself blush guiltily and once again, all I could say and do was apologize.

Tears glimmered in my eyes. "I'm sorry," I choked out.

"Damn it!" He cursed. "Shh... I'm sorry. Just... just relax and go back to sleep."

"Ty and Michy..."

"Are still okay and sleeping soundly," he continued for me.


I shook my head. "Just rest for now. We'll worry about the rest later."

"Okay," she said in a faltering voice.

"Go ahead, baby, just sleep," he said and I had the sudden urge to ask him to lay beside me.

"Don't go," I whispered so softly I almost couldn't hear my own voice.

I thought he didn't hear me or the vulnerability in my voice and how lost and scared I feel, but the shocked look on his face told me otherwise.

"I'm not going anywhere," he finally said.

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