Chapter 37

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"Fuck," Nate cursed as he dropped next to me. "Damien..."

I shook my head. "She... she can't be."

More chaos erupted around us and it was as if I was watching it in slow motion. The firefighters came to put the fire out caused by the explosion. Bodies were being bagged and taken.



She has to be alive. She must be. But I saw her get shot. I heard the explosion.

No she made it out.

But why is she not here? Where is she?

"Damien, we need to get you checked out," Nate said gently.

I shook my head. "I'm not leaving until they find her."

I won't survive if I lose her. She was my life. The love of my life. Love. God, oh how much I love her.

"Marcus?" I found myself asking. He better pray he's dead.

"Fucking bastard is being taken to the hospital."

I swirled my head to face Nate. "I'll kill him." No. How?

"He was thrown a few feet away from the explosion and from what I was told his gin shot wound wasn't fatal, but he does have burns on one side of his face."

"Not fucking enough! He shot her. He shot Hallie!"

Nate nodded. "I know and he'll pay for it. The police and the FBI have everything they need to convict him and put him away for life."

Then steps approached us.

I looked up as Nate got back up on his feet. The man handed Nate something.

I frowned. "What is it?"

Nate closed his eyes. He looked at me. Tears in his eyes and I knew. Oh god.

I can't breathe. It can't be.

"Damien... I'm so sorry," his voice cracked as he dropped beside me and showed me what the fireman handed him.

It was her necklace. A necklace that had Ty and Michy's picture in it.

"No," I bellowed as I broke into sobs. "She's alive. She's not dead. I'm going in there," I quickly made a move but he held me back. "Damien. Stop."

"Let me go, Nate. You fucking let me go," I cursed.

"You can't. You can't go in there. It's a crime scene."

"Nate she's in there. She's waiting for me. I..." I cried.

"She's gone, Dami. She's gone."

I shook my head as my body collapsed against him.

"I've got you, man. It's gonna be okay."

Everything seemed to turn into darkness.

This must be a dream. It can't be real.

But it's not a dream. It's real.

The moment I held her necklace in my hand, I knew it was real, but how can I admit that. My heart has been ripped out of my chest and stumped on over and over again. I can't breathe. I feel like dying. I've lost the only person I've ever loved. Ty and Michy.

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