Chapter 14

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I watched over them as they slept.  Michy woke up once and I gave her a bottle. I checked Ty and made sure his temperature wasn't getting any higher.  In another hour, I'll have to wake him up to give him more medication. But before I could wait another hour, Ty started stirring. He was starting to sob, so I went to get him so he wouldn't wake his mom and sister up.

"Shh... I've got you, little one."


"Mommy is resting. She's pretty tired too.  But don't worry. I'm here.  I'll take care of you."

He gave me a toothy grin.

"Are you feeling any better?" I asked.

He nodded.

"We stayin' with you?" Ty asked with what I would assume is a hopeful expression.  

"I'm not sure. I was pretty scared when I found you guys gone.  I was really worried."

"I wanna stay with yous. I didn'ts wanna go." He placed his head on my shoulder as he wrapped both arms around my neck and held on for dear life.

"Don't worry, buddy.  I'm not going anywhere," I assured Ty.  I walked around with him in my arms and not long has passed, he fell asleep.  Rather than placing him back on his back, I sat back on my recliner seat and continued to hold him. I'm gonna have to wake him up soon anyway, so I decided to just hold him in my arms.


I woke up to the sun shining in the room.  I looked around and Damien was gone, along with Ty.  I looked over and was surprised to find Michy still sleeping in the pen.  

Before I could get out of bed, the door opened.  Damien walked in with Ty in my arms.

"Hey,' he said. "How are you feeling?"

"Rested," I said.  "I can't remember the last time I had a good night's sleep," I said, then stopped. Here I am again revealing too much.  "Ty?" I asked, changing the subject.

"Still asleep.  His fever broke a few hours ago.  After I gave him more medication, he didn't want to go back on the bed, so I just carried him until he fell asleep.  I just had to answer a call, that's why I was gone."

I nodded. "Here, you can him down.  He gets heavy after awhile and he sleeps through almost anything, so you don't have to worry about waking him if you move him."

Damien smiled. "I kinda liked having him in my arms.  Though your right.  I'm not sure I can feel my left arm anymore," he said, making us both chuckle softly. 

I watched as Damien placed Ty gently on the bed.

"Breakfast?" he asked. 

I nodded.

We made our way to the kitchen and sat on the breakfast bar. 

"Smells delicious," I commented. 

He smiled as he placed some food in front of me.  "Eat up."

We ate in silence.  I never knew how hungry I was until I took my first bite.  I finished everything he put on my plate and even finished my coffee and orange juice.

When I was finished, I looked at him only to find him looking at me.

I felt my face heat up. "Sorry."

"Don't.  It's good to see you eat," was all he said.

"If you're finished we can move this to the balcony and take our coffee with us."

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