Chapter 1

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9 months later...


"Do you really have to go?" Anne asked.

I nodded. "I stayed longer than safe for all of us," I said. "I can't even begin to tell you how thankful I am for everything you've done for me, Ty, and Michy."

Anne has been like a mother to me ever since I met her and she gave me a lifeline. She knew I was running and she gave me a safe haven. It didn't take me long to feel comfortable and learn to trust her enough to share who I was running from and why.

"You've done far more for me. You've made me... this whole place happier."

Tears pricked my eyes. "Thank you," I said before hugging her.

"I want you to take this," she said, as she folded something in my hands. I looked down and saw that it was some cash and I immediately shook my head. "No. I can't take this, you've helped us more than enough. You've already given us so much..."

"Hush. You will take it. If not for yourself but for Ty and Michy."


She shook her head sternly. "No. No buts, young lady. Now take it and let's go, or you'll miss your bus."

"Thank you."

She nodded. "Call me when you can and know that you always have a home here with me. You can always come back."

"I'll call you once I've found a place and a job. Thank you again, Anne. I can't say that enough."

"You're welcome, honey," she said, while patting my hand.

She gave Ty a hug and kiss and said, "be good for your mama."

Ty nodded. "I will."

Next, she gave Michy a kiss. "Take care little one."

"Bye Anne. I will see you again. I promise," I said.

She nodded tearfully. "I know we will. Take care."

I walked over to where the bus was waiting. Before getting on the bus, I waved goodbye to Anne one last time.

She waved back and smiled.

I looked over to Ty and Michy and prayed to god, I was making the right decision.

Deciding to head to a big city like LA wasn't an easy decision for me, but I needed to find my dad and according to my mom he was based in LA and he comes from money. He's the only one who can help me. He's the only one who can protect us. I just hope he doesn't turn me away. I don't know how he'll react or if he'll even listen to me, but it's a chance I've got to take.

I closed my eyes and sighed.

My life wasn't easy growing up. I didn't have the best childhood, but my mom did the best she could. My father wasn't in the picture growing up. All my mom said was being with my dad was a mistake and I was. He left right before I was born leaving my mom on her own to raise me. She worked at a diner once I was born, leaving me with her best friend when she worked. Jackie did the best she could to help me and my mom, but with kids of her own, there wasn't much she can do. I can't count how many times we've missed a meal or two a day because we didn't have enough to buy food. School was torture. The other kids teased and made fun of me. The clothes I wore were hand me downs, the shoes on my feet were torn apart, but it was better than nothing. But still, it gave other kids a reason to tease me. I tried to ignore the laughs and the whispers, but it was hard. I liked school aside from the bullying. I studied hard, making sure I had good grades to help me get through high school and maybe even go to college.

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