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9 months ago...


I ran as fast as I could, but with two babies in tow, I feel my legs wanting to give up, but I can't. I can't stop running or he'll kill me, Ty, and Michy.

I can't believe he almost found me. How did he find me so quickly? I thought to myself.

He's got money, what did you expect? I thought to myself. Even behind bars, he can still get to me. That's how rich and powerful he is.

When I was sure we were far enough, I stopped to catch my breath and calm Ty and Michy.

I turned to a corner and stopped dead in my tracks.

"There you are," he sneered.

Suddenly, I woke up.

I was breathing hard.

I looked around me, and everyone in the bus seemed oblivious to the fact that I just had a bad dream.

I ran my hand through my now, darker hair as I forced my breathing back to normal.

I looked down at the two bundle of joy, sleeping peacefully on my chest.

I adjusted the straps a little to make them both more comfortable, before looking out the window to see where we were.

I saw a sign that said, Town of Westchester. 

How long was I asleep? I wondered.

"All right folks, time for a fifteen minute pit stop. There's a coffee shop, bakery and deli shop nearby if you need to grab a few things. Bus will leave in fifteen," the driver said.

I grabbed my single bag and stepped off the bus. Fresh air will do us some good, however, Michy woke up in a startle and began crying.

I tried soothing her but with my bag in my hand and Ty holding on to my other hand, it was hard. Then Ty also started crying. It's been hard for the three of us and I can't blame them for being restless.

I stopped at a small coffee shop.

I walked inside and found a table.

I just need a minute. I just hope, no one asks me to leave.

I quickly pulled out a bottled milk and gave it to Michy, while I grabbed Ty's favourite snack.

Thank god it worked. I was able to calm and soothe Ty and Michy.

Ty is only nineteen months old, but he's a smart boy for his age. He's more aware of what's going on and is not afraid to ask questions. He's quite the talker too, I smiled at my son. Michy is only a few months old and this is a lot harder on her being so young and already on the run. I know they say that kids are resilient but with the stress and trauma they've endured at such a young age, I just hope it really is true. I'm trying my best, but it hasn't been easy. I'm always afraid, looking over my shoulder wondering if this was the day, his men are going to get to us. The only people I trusted ended up dead for keeping us safe. They trained to protect and yet they died. How can I trust myself? How can I trust that I would keep my kids safe?

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