Chapter 24

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Before I could say anything, he kissed me.

"Will you just give me this time to prove to you that we can be something beautiful?" He said softly.

"It won't change anything, Damien."

"It will change everything, Hallie. I know that you've been through a lot. I know that you're scared, but you have me. You're not alone in this. Not anymore."

"Damien... you just don't understand."

"I'm really getting tired of hearing you say you don't understand, because I do. I do understand. I understand that you and your kids went through something terrible. Something that no one should ever go through and you are now running, afraid of it catching up to you. Afraid to trust. Afraid to make another mistake. I get it, Hallie. I do. I understand your fears and reservations, but what your answer is not the solution to the problem. You can't keep running or finding reasons to hide and if you just stop and think about it, you'll see that I'm right."

I shook my head.

"I know that you haven't really had an example of what a man should be to a woman. You've seen violence and lived it, but let me show you that not all men are monsters. Let me prove to you that I can be the man that you need. Please, Hallie. Give me one day. One day to show you how wonderful life can be. With me. With us. Together."

I closed my eyes.

"Let me love you."

I gasped.

"I do, Hallie. I love you. And I don't care anymore if that scares you. I'm tired of holding back and hiding what I feel for you because I'm afraid that you're going to run," he explained. "I love you, Hallie. I love Ty and Michy. I know that you're a package deal and I love the whole package."

Tears filled my eyes.

"Give me one day to prove to you that we can make it work between us and if by the end of it, you still want to be free from me then I'll let you go. I'll still be there for you and Ty and Michy, but I won't force myself on you. I'll give you space. I won't push you."

"How could you say you love me? You barely know me. All of this has been crazy. I don't understand how you can just move strangers in with you and care about them like you've known them forever. I...  it just doesn't make sense."

He took my hand and placed it over his heart. "You're right. It doesn't. I don't have an explanation either, because just like you I asked myself the same questions. All I know is how I feel. What my heart is telling me. I wish I have all the answers to your questions, but love is the only answer I have. I love you. I love Ty and Michy."

"Whatever I have left in here," pointing to my heart "I've given it all to Ty and Michy. I don't know if I'm capable of giving you what you want."

"All I'm asking for right now is one day."

"And I have your word that by the end of it, you'll respect whatever I decide?"

He nodded.

I looked into his eyes and saw the love reflecting back at me and it unnerved me. It pierced right through my heart and I was afraid that if I continued to look back into his eyes, he'll discover my own true feelings. One that I've been trying to hide and deny. Because it's true. I love him too. I don't know why or how and when. But I do. I wish I didn't. But I do. And that love is what made me take a deep breath and say, "okay. One day."


"Okay. One day," she agreed.

I smiled and dropped a kiss to her head.

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