Chapter 5

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"Listen, I'm gonna step out and get some fresh air for a little bit," I told my sister Katie.

"Okay," she said with a smile.

I looked around and everyone was having a good time. Our family, friends, and business associates and guests, dancing, chatting, and laughing surrounded me, and as I looked around at my the members of my family who has found love, I couldn't help the envy that washed through me once again.

I looked over at my brother Dylan who had just been proposed to by my newest sister, Katherine recently and I couldn't be happier.

I looked at my other sisters and saw the glow of happiness and love shinning in their eyes, but with husbands like Nate and Allan, who wouldn't be deliriously happy and in love?

I want to know what it's like to be in love with someone. To be consumed by her completely. To lose sleep thinking about her. To not be able to eat because I'm preoccupied by thoughts of her. I want to feel that burning desire that my brother and sisters always talk about. I want the kind of love that makes your burn and yearn for more.

I can't help but think about that woman I bumped into. For the past couple weeks, I couldn't stop thinking about her. I guess I could just get someone to look into her, but I stopped myself every time I thought about it. I'm sounding and thinking like some crazy stalker. I shouldn't be this obsessed about someone I don't even know. Beside, she could be married with kids.

I shook my head. I have to stop thinking about her. But how can I, when after meeting her, all I ever think about is wanting to see her again... to hear her voice... to see her smile.

When our eyes collided with each other, I felt something I have never felt before. It was like there was an electricity pulling me to her. And after feeling the way I did, I just keep yearning more and more for that feeling.

Is this what my brother and sisters felt for their spouses when they first met? I wondered.

Because if the answer is yes and judging by how deliriously happy they all are then, I'm a fucking goner. I want it all, because I might have all the money in the world and people consider me powerful, but at the end of the day I'm alone. I come home to an empty house with no one to talk to and share how my day went.

I sighed.


"Shhh..." I said as I rocked Michy in my arms.

"Mommy, I hungwy," Tyler, my two and a half year old son said from his stroller.

We just stopped for a few minutes to rest and So I could rock Michy in my arms. We've been walking the streets for hours. I need to find another job, as soon as possible. Rent is covered for the next couple of months, but I need money for groceries. I've already been to four diners and two coffee shops and still no luck. I thought the city would give me lots of opportunities in finding a job quickly.

I sighed. Guess I was wrong. It's been two weeks and still no luck. And now here I am, trying to comfort Michy. I left Chester because I stayed in that place far longer than intended. It was hard to leave, but I knew I had to keep moving if I wanted to me keep one step ahead of Marcus and his men. I know that he won't stop until he finds me, and I will never let that happen.

I placed my hand in my pocket and pulled out the rest of the money I earned from waiting tables for two weeks.

Twenty two dollars left.

I closed my eyes and willed the tears to go away.


I forced out a smile. "How does pizza sound baby?" I asked Ty.

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