Chapter 26

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I looked over Ty and Michy and I know that what I'm about to do is going to break their hearts, but what choice do I have?

There are some things that I can't explain. There are some things that are better left unsaid. Some things that are better kept a secret.

I covered my mouth to muffle the sound of my sobs.

I don't deserve Damien. He deserves someone who isn't tainted. Someone who hasn't sold herself to the devil.

I closed my eyes shut and fell to the ground on my knees as memories of what I've tried to keep hidden and buried surfaced in my memories.

I closed my eyes and pushed them away.


"Don't worry. I'll make sure they're okay. Winston already hired us for her protection. She won't be unprotected for even a second," Nate said as he got ready to take Hallie and her kids to meet her father for the first time.

"You'll keep me updated?"

"Of course," he swore.

I nodded. "Thanks Nate."

He smiled.

He turned and walked a few steps, before he stopped and turned towards me. "A wise person once told me that sometimes when people love each other very much, they need time apart, so when they come back together, their love is even stronger," he said. " I watched as the car taking Hallie and her kids to her father drove away.

I down a shot of whiskey.

It broke my heart to say goodbye to Ty and Michy.

"Why are leaving?" Ty has asked me.

"You don't love us anymore.?

His questions kept ringing inside my head.

"No. I do. I love and want all of you with me, but you see, your mommy has never met her dad. She wants all of you to spend some time with him," I explained.

"Can't you come toos?"

"I wish I can, buddy."

"I wanna stay here with you," he said, wrapping his tiny arms around me, squeezing me tight.

"I'll come visit you. Or you can come visit me," I promised.

"Pwomise?" He said.

I nodded. "Promise."

I dropped to my chair. I don't know how long I sat there, because before I knew it, there was a knock on my door and my mother's voice sounded.


I looked at her and cleared my throat. "Hey, mom. Everything okay?"

"I should be asking you that," she said as she met me.

I hugged her and kissed the top of her head. "I'm okay."

"Damien," She said in that voice I've come to know so well.

"She wanted to leave. I can't stop her," I said.

"I know. Nate called me," she said.

"Mom. I'm not going to do anything stupid."

"I know that. But you're hurting and I know that you're an adult now, but I'm still your mother."

"Yes ma'm," I said.

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